J.M.M. Engels
J.M.M. Engels
Honorary Research Fellow
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Crop genetic erosion: understanding and responding to loss of crop diversity
CK Khoury, S Brush, DE Costich, HA Curry, S De Haan, JMM Engels, ...
New Phytologist 233 (1), 84-118, 2022
Crop wild relatives—undervalued, underutilized and under threat?
BV Ford-Lloyd, M Schmidt, SJ Armstrong, OZ Barazani, J Engels, ...
BioScience 61 (7), 559-565, 2011
Ultra‐barcoding in cacao (Theobroma spp.; Malvaceae) using whole chloroplast genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA
N Kane, S Sveinsson, H Dempewolf, JY Yang, D Zhang, JMM Engels, ...
American Journal of Botany 99 (2), 320-329, 2012
Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
CK Khoury, HA Achicanoy, AD Bjorkman, C Navarro-Racines, L Guarino, ...
Proceedings of the royal society B: biological sciences 283 (1832), 20160792, 2016
A guide to effective management of germplasm collections
J Engels
Bioversity International, 2003
Technologies and strategies for ex situ conservation.
F Engelmann, JMM Engels
Technical guidelines for the management of field and in vitro germplasm collections
BM Reed
Bioversity International, 2004
12. Genetic characterization and its use in decision-making for the conservation of crop
MC de Vicente, FA Guzman, J Engels, VR Rao
The role of biotechnology in exploring and protecting agricultural genetic …, 2006
Born to eat wild: An integrated conservation approach to secure wild food plants for food security and nutrition
T Borelli, D Hunter, B Powell, T Ulian, E Mattana, C Termote, L Pawera, ...
Plants 9 (10), 1299, 2020
A review of factors that influence the production of quality seed for long-term conservation in genebanks
N Kameswara Rao, ME Dulloo, JMM Engels
Genetic resources and crop evolution 64, 1061-1074, 2017
Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops
J Heller, F Begemann, J Mushonga
Physic nut, 1996
Plant genetic resources of Ethiopia
J Engels, JG Hawkes, M Worede
Cambridge University Press, 1991
Home gardens-a genetic resources perspective.
J Engels
The effects of storing seeds under extremely dry conditions.
C Walters, J Engels
Centres of crop diversity and/or origin, genetically modified crops and implications for plant genetic resources conservation
JMM Engels, AW Ebert, I Thormann, MC De Vicente
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53, 1675-1688, 2006
A critical review of the current global ex situ conservation system for plant agrobiodiversity. I. History of the development of the global system in the context of the …
JMM Engels, AW Ebert
Plants 10 (8), 1557, 2021
Cacao descriptors, their states and modus operandi
JMM Engels, BGD Bartley, GA Enríquez
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 1980
Integrating genetic resource conservation and sustainable development into strategies to increase the robustness of seed systems
WS De Boef, H Dempewolf, JM Byakweli, JMM Engels
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 34 (5), 504-531, 2010
Managing plant genetic diversity
VR Rao, AHD Brown, M Jackson
Cabi, 2001
An introduction to plant germplasm exploration and collecting: planning, methods and procedures, follow-up
JMM Engels, RK Arora, L Guarino
Collecting plant genetic diversity. Technical guidelines. CAB International …, 1995
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