Ute Skiba
Ute Skiba
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
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The global nitrogen cycle in the twenty-first century
D Fowler, M Coyle, U Skiba, MA Sutton, JN Cape, S Reis, LJ Sheppard, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Atmospheric composition change: ecosystems–atmosphere interactions
D Fowler, K Pilegaard, MA Sutton, P Ambus, M Raivonen, J Duyzer, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (33), 5193-5267, 2009
Full accounting of the greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) budget of nine European grassland sites
JF Soussana, V Allard, K Pilegaard, P Ambus, C Amman, C Campbell, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 121 (1-2), 121-134, 2007
Inventorying emissions from nature in Europe
D Simpson, W Winiwarter, G Börjesson, S Cinderby, A Ferreiro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D7), 8113-8152, 1999
Quantifying the effect of urban tree planting on concentrations and depositions of PM10 in two UK conurbations
AG McDonald, WJ Bealey, D Fowler, U Dragosits, U Skiba, RI Smith, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (38), 8455-8467, 2007
Oxidation of atmospheric methane in Northern European soils, comparison with other ecosystems, and uncertainties in the global terrestrial sink
KA Smith, KE Dobbie, BC Ball, LR Bakken, BK Sitaula, S Hansen, ...
Global Change Biology 6 (7), 791-803, 2000
Greenhouse gas emissions from European soils under different land use: effects of soil moisture and temperature
G Schaufler, B Kitzler, A Schindlbacher, U Skiba, MA Sutton, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 61 (5), 683-696, 2010
Dissolved carbon leaching from soil is a crucial component of the net ecosystem carbon balance
R Kindler, JAN Siemens, K Kaiser, DC Walmsley, C Bernhofer, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (2), 1167-1185, 2011
Land‐use change to bioenergy production in E urope: implications for the greenhouse gas balance and soil carbon
A Don, B Osborne, A Hastings, U Skiba, MS Carter, J Drewer, H Flessa, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 4 (4), 372-391, 2012
Effects of climate and management intensity on nitrous oxide emissions in grassland systems across Europe
CR Flechard, P Ambus, U Skiba, RM Rees, A Hensen, A Van Amstel, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 121 (1-2), 135-152, 2007
Nitrification and denitrification as sources of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide in a sandy loam soil
U Skiba, KA Smith
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25 (11), 1527-1536, 1993
The control of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural and natural soils
U Skiba, KA Smith
Chemosphere-global change science 2 (3-4), 379-386, 2000
Factors controlling regional differences in forest soil emission of nitrogen oxides (NO and N2O)
K Pilegaard, U Skiba, P Ambus, C Beier, N Brüggemann, ...
Biogeosciences 3 (4), 651-661, 2006
Role of the aquatic pathway in the carbon and greenhouse gas budgets of a peatland catchment
KJ Dinsmore, MF Billett, UM Skiba, RM Rees, J Drewer, C Helfter
Global Change Biology 16 (10), 2750-2762, 2010
Effects of global change during the 21st century on the nitrogen cycle
D Fowler, CE Steadman, D Stevenson, M Coyle, RM Rees, UM Skiba, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (24), 13849-13893, 2015
Nitric oxide emissions from agricultural soils in temperate and tropical climates: sources, controls and mitigation options
U Skiba, D Fowler, KA Smith
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 48, 139-153, 1997
Methane emission rates from a northern wetland; response to temperature, water table and transport
JA MacDonald, D Fowler, KJ Hargreaves, U Skiba, ID Leith, MB Murray
Atmospheric Environment 32 (19), 3219-3227, 1998
The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure
AMR Petrescu, A Lohila, JP Tuovinen, DD Baldocchi, AR Desai, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (15), 4594-4599, 2015
Challenges in quantifying biosphere–atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species
MA Sutton, E Nemitz, JW Erisman, C Beier, KB Bahl, P Cellier, W De Vries, ...
Environmental Pollution 150 (1), 125-139, 2007
Greenhouse gas emissions from a managed grassland
SK Jones, RM Rees, UM Skiba, BC Ball
Global and Planetary Change 47 (2-4), 201-211, 2005
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