Serryn Eagleson
Serryn Eagleson
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Identifying appropriate land-use mix measures for use in a national walkability index
S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, J Stewart, HM Badland, B Giles-Corti, ...
Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 681-700, 2018
Disease surveillance using a hidden Markov model
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, B Veenendaal, G Wright, AJ Plant
BMC medical informatics and decision making 9, 1-12, 2009
Applying cusum-based methods for the detection of outbreaks of Ross River virus disease in Western Australia
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, B Veenendaal, G Wright, AJ Plant
BMC medical informatics and decision making 8, 1-11, 2008
Using simple agent-based modeling to inform and enhance neighborhood walkability
H Badland, M White, G MacAulay, S Eagleson, S Mavoa, C Pettit, ...
International journal of health geographics 12, 1-10, 2013
Identifying, creating, and testing urban planning measures for transport walking: Findings from the Australian national liveability study
H Badland, S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, L Gunn, J Stewart, ...
Journal of transport & health 5, 151-162, 2017
Approaches to the evaluation of outbreak detection methods
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, RG Hall, L Dailey, AJ Plant
BMC public health 6, 1-10, 2006
Hierarchical spatial reasoning theory and GIS technology applied to the automated delineation of administrative boundaries
S Eagleson, F Escobar, I Williamson
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 26 (2-3), 185-200, 2002
Using GIS to create synthetic disease outbreaks
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, S Beckett, G Garner, B Veenendaal, G Wright, ...
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 7, 1-14, 2007
Automating the administration boundary design process using hierarchical spatial reasoning theory and geographical information systems
S Eagleson, F Escobar, I Williamson
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17 (2), 99-118, 2003
Spatial hierarchical reasoning applied to administrative boundary design using GIS
S Eagleson, F Escobar, IP Williamson
6th South East Asian Surveyors Congress, 1999
How walkable is Melbourne? The development of a transport walkability index for metropolitan Melbourne
B Giles-Corti, S Mavoa, S Eagleson, M Davern, R Roberts, H Badland
University of Melbourne, 2014
Lost in the mail: the inherent errors of mapping Australia Post postcodes to ABS derived postal areas
SD Jones, S Eagleson, FJ Escobar, GJ Hunter
Australian Geographical Studies 41 (2), 171-179, 2003
Hierarchical spatial reasoning applied to the automated design of administrative boundaries using GIS
S Eagleson, F Escobar, IP Williamson
Proceedings of the URISA 2000 Conference, Orlando, USA, 19-23, 2000
Open access, open source and cloud computing: a glimpse into the future of GIS
C Pettit, B Stimson, J Barton, X Goldie, P Greenwood, R Lovelace, ...
Handbook of Planning Support Science, 56-71, 2020
Using an online data portal and prototype analysis tools in an investigation of spatial livability planning
ID Bishop, S Eagleson, CJ Pettit, A Rajabifard, H Badland, JE Day, ...
International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 6 (2), 1-21, 2017
The Australian National Liveability Study final report: Development of policy-relevant liveability indicators relating to health and wellbeing and recommendations for their …
S Mavoa, H Badland, V Learnihan, B Boruff, C Pettit, T Astell-Burt, X Feng, ...
The McCaughey VicHealth Community Wellbeing Unit, 2016
SDI for collaborative health services planning
J Thompson, S Eagleson, P Ghadirian, A Rajabifard
Global Spatial Data Infrastructures World Conference, Rotterdam, The …, 2009
Designing with data for urban resilience
N Langenheim, M White, J Barton, S Eagleson
Planning Support Science for Smarter Urban Futures 15, 113-133, 2017
Transport walkability index: Melbourne
B Giles-Corti, S Mavoa, S Eagleson, M Davern, R Roberts, HM Badland
Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 2014
Passenger rail in Melbourne–new challenges in a new century
C Hale, S Eagleson
Australian Planner 50 (4), 351-361, 2013
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