Analysis on manifolds via the Laplacian Y Canzani
Lecture Notes available at: http://www. math. harvard. edu/canzani/docs …, 2013
83 2013 Scaling limit for the kernel of the spectral projector and remainder estimates in the pointwise Weyl law Y Canzani, B Hanin
Analysis & PDE 8 (7), 1707-1731, 2015
48 2015 Topology and nesting of the zero set components of monochromatic random waves Y Canzani, P Sarnak
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (2), 343-374, 2019
43 2019 Local Universality for Zeros and Critical Points of Monochromatic Random Waves Y Canzani, B Hanin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.09438v2, 2016
36 * 2016 Scaling Asymptotics for the Spectral Projector of the LaplacianY Canzani, B Hanin
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 28, 111-122, 2018
29 * 2018 Averages of eigenfunctions over hypersurfaces Y Canzani, J Galkowski, JA Toth
Communications in mathematical physics 360, 619-637, 2018
26 2018 On the growth of eigenfunction averages: microlocalization and geometry Y Canzani, J Galkowski
23 2019 Weyl remainders: an application of geodesic beams Y Canzani, J Galkowski
Inventiones mathematicae 232 (3), 1195-1272, 2023
22 2023 Eigenfunction concentration via geodesic beams Y Canzani, J Galkowski
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2021 (775 …, 2021
22 2021 Conformal invariants from nodal sets. I. Negative eigenvalues and curvature prescription Y Canzani, R Gover, D Jakobson, R Ponge
International Mathematics Research Notices 2014 (9), 2356-2400, 2014
21 2014 On the topology of the zero sets of monochromatic random waves Y Canzani, P Sarnak
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.4437, 2014
19 2014 On the multiplicity of eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators Y Canzani
Annales de l'Institut Fourier 64 (3), 947-970, 2014
19 2014 Growth of high Lp norms for eigenfunctions: an application of geodesic beams Y Canzani, J Galkowski
Analysis & PDE 16 (10), 2267-2325, 2023
16 2023 Nodal sets of Schrödinger eigenfunctions in forbidden regions Y Canzani, JA Toth
Annales Henri Poincaré 17 (11), 3063-3087, 2016
16 2016 Improvements for eigenfunction averages: an application of geodesic beams Y Canzani, J Galkowski
Journal of Differential Geometry 124 (3), 443-522, 2023
14 * 2023 High frequency eigenfunction immersions and supremum norms of random waves Y Canzani, B Hanin
Electronic Research Announcements 22, 2015
13 2015 A local test for global extrema in the dispersion relation of a periodic graph G Berkolaiko, Y Canzani, G Cox, JL Marzuola
Pure and Applied Analysis 4 (2), 257-286, 2022
10 2022 Scalar curvature and Q-curvature of random metrics Y Canzani, D Jakobson, I Wigman
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 24 (4), 1982-2019, 2014
8 * 2014 On the distribution of perturbations of propagated Schrodinger eigenfunctions Y Canzani, D Jakobson, J Toth
Journal of Spectral Theory 4 (2), 283--307, 2014
8 2014 Nullspaces of conformally invariant operators. Applications to -curvature Y Canzani, A Gover, D Jakobson, R Ponge
Electronic Research Announcements 20, 2013
8 * 2013