Ann Gillette
Ann Gillette
Professor of Finance, Kennesaw State University
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Credible assignments in coordination games
JB Van Huyck, AB Gillette, RC Battalio
Games and Economic Behavior 4 (4), 606-626, 1992
Corporate board composition, protocols, and voting behavior: Experimental evidence
AB Gillette, TH Noe, MJ Rebello
The Journal of Finance 58 (5), 1997-2031, 2003
Board structures around the world: An experimental investigation
AB Gillette, TH Noe, MJ Rebello
Review of Finance 12 (1), 93-140, 2008
Price and volume reactions to public information releases: An experimental approach incorporating traders' subjective beliefs
AB Gillette, DE Stevens, SG Watts, AW Williams
Contemporary Accounting Research 16 (3), 437-479, 1999
Voting on Tax Policy Design: A Test of the Selfish versus Social Preferences Hypotheses
LF Ackert, AB Gillette, J Martinez-Vazquez, M Rider
Public Finance Review 35 (2), 263-284, 2007
Immediate disclosure or secrecy? the release of information in experimental asset markets
LF Ackert, BK Church, AB Gillette
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 13 (5), 219-243, 2004
Are benevolent dictators altruistic in groups? A within-subject design
LF Ackert, AB Gillette, J Martinez-Vazquez, M Rider
Experimental Economics 14, 307-321, 2011
Risk tolerance, self-interest, and social preferences
L Ackert, J Martinez-Vazquez, A Gillette, M Rider
Trading institutions and price discovery: the cash and futures markets for crude oil
A Ballinger, GP Dwyer, AB Gillette
FRB of Atlanta Working Paper, 2004
Limit orders, asymmetric information, and the formation of asset prices with a computerized specialist
MR Baye, A Gillette, CG de Vries
Journal of Economics 59, 71-96, 1994
If at First You Don’t Succeed: The Effect of the Option to Resolicit on Corporate Takeovers
AB Gillette, TH Noe
The Review of Financial Studies 19 (2), 561-603, 2006
Credible assignments in non-copperative games
J Van Huyck, A Gillette, R Battalio
Texas A&M University working paper, 1988
Corporate governance and outside director power: The experimental evidence
AB Gillette, TH Noe, MJ Rebello
Working paper, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.(Available at: http …, 2003
The Modern Racing Landscape and The Racetrack Wagering Market: Components of Demand, Subsidies, and Efficiency
RP DeGennaro, AB Gillette
Experimental evidence for tax policy design
L Ackert, A Gillette, J Martinez-Vazquez, M Rider
International Studies Program Working Paper, 05-17, 2005
Cooperating to resist coercion: An experimental study
M Rider, LF Ackert, AB Gillette
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Research Paper Series, 2011
Cooperating to Resist Coercion
LF Ackert, AB Gillette, M Rider
Coercion and Social Welfare in Public Finance: Economic and Political …, 2014
Cooperating to Resist Coercion: An Experimental Study
L Ackert, A Gillette, M Rider
If at first you dont succeed: An experimental investigation of the impact of repetition options on corporate takeovers and the provision of public goods
T Noe, A Gillette
Experimental Evidence for Experimental Evidence for Tax Policy Design
L Ackert, A Gillette, J Martinez-Vazquez
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