Doctor of chemical engineering
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Zitiert von
Triglyceride cracking for biofuel production using a directly synthesised sulphated zirconia catalyst
EJ Eterigho, JGM Lee, AP Harvey
Bioresource technology 102 (10), 6313-6316, 2011
Reactive-extraction of pongamia seeds for biodiesel production
J Porwal, D Bangwal, MO Garg, S Kaul
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2012
Quality improvement of an acid treated fuel oil
E Eterigho
Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, 2008
Modelling of a gas absorption column for CO2-NaOH system under unsteady-state regime
MA Olutoye, EJ Eterigho
Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies 12, 105-114, 2008
Study of the physical properties and biodegradability of potato-starch based plastics
EJ Eterigho, TS Farrow, SE Ejejigbe, OD Gideon
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2, 2017
Development of carbon nanofibers/Pt nanocomposites for fuel cell application
KY Mudi, AS Abdulkareem, AS Kovo, OS Azeez, JO Tijani, EJ Eterigho
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45, 7329-7346, 2020
Development and test performance of heterogeneous catalysts on steam reforming of bioethanol for renewable hydrogen synthesis: A review
EJ Eterigho, MU Garba, IP Okokpujie, MA Olutoye
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 73,, 2020
Optimization of Process Parameters Influencing Biogas Production from Rumen and municipal waste: Analytical Approach
EJ Eterigho, MA Musa, SE Ejejigbe, IP Okokpujie
Covenant Journal of Engineering Technology, 2019
Pyrolysis and char burnout characteristics of cassava peelings as potential energy source
S Farrow, E Eterigho, S Colin
Chemical and Process Engineering Research, 2018
Sulphated zirconia catalyst prepared from solid sulphates by non-aqueous method
EJ Eterigho, TS Farrow, SE Ejejigbe
Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment 8 (2), 142-146, 2017
Alternative approach of gold extraction using modified borax
IA Joseph, EJ Eterigho, JO Okafor, CT Are
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 41 (7), 2288-2299, 2022
CaO‐Based Heterogeneous Catalyst from Cow Bone for Direct Cracking of Triglycerides
CU Ameh, EJ Eterigho, AA Musa
Chemical Engineering & Technology 45 (7), 1299-1311, 2022
Biogas Production from Rumen, Municipal Waste and Co-digested Substrate: An Opportunity for Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs (SME)
EJ Eterigho, MA Musa, SE Ejejigbe, TS Farrow
Newswood Limited, International Association of Engineers Conference proceeding, 2021
Optimization of bi-metallic (Fe–Co) catalyst on kaolin support for carbon nanofiber growth in a CVD reactor
KY Mudi, AS Abdulkareem, OS Azeez, AS Kovo, JO Tijani, EJ Eterigho
Carbon Letters 29, 233-253, 2019
Effect of Modification on Conventional Preparation Method for Sulphated Zirconia on the Production of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
EJ Eterigho, TS Farrow, CP Ogbuka
Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (3), 2014
Development and application of heterogeneous catalysts for direct cracking of triglycerides for biodiesel production
EJ Eterigho
Newcastle University, 2012
Development and Application of Heterogeneous Catalyst from Snail Shells for Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil
AC Ugbede, EE Jumoke, MA Abdullahi
American Journal of Chemical Engineering 9 (1), 1-17, 2021
Optimal design and stress/strain analysis of wind turbine blade for optimum performance in energy generation via simulation approach
IP Okokpujie, EJ Eterigho, IO Aladegbeye, K Okokpujie
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2019
Synthesis of alumina-supported chicken eggshell catalyst for transesterification of waste cooking oil
BM Alueshima, EJ Eterigho, OD Friday
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 173 (1), 012041, 2018
Optimization of process parameters for the synthesis of locally sourced alumina-supported eggshell catalyst
EJ Eterigho, MA Baaki, SE Ejejigbe
The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2018
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