Uwe Kirscher
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Quaternary time scales for the Pontocaspian domain: Interbasinal connectivity and faunal evolution
W Krijgsman, A Tesakov, T Yanina, S Lazarev, G Danukalova, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 188, 1-40, 2019
Decoding Earth’s rhythms: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean episodes
ZX Li, RN Mitchell, CJ Spencer, R Ernst, S Pisarevsky, U Kirscher, ...
Precambrian Research 323, 1-5, 2019
A new Miocene ape and locomotion in the ancestor of great apes and humans
M Böhme, N Spassov, J Fuss, A Tröscher, AS Deane, J Prieto, U Kirscher, ...
Nature 575 (7783), 489-493, 2019
Seismological evidence for the earliest global subduction network at 2 Ga ago
B Wan, X Yang, X Tian, H Yuan, U Kirscher, RN Mitchell
Science Advances 6 (32), eabc5491, 2020
Paleomagnetic constraints on the duration of the Australia-Laurentia connection in the core of the Nuna supercontinent
U Kirscher, RN Mitchell, Y Liu, AR Nordsvan, GM Cox, SA Pisarevsky, ...
Geology 49 (2), 174-179, 2021
Messinian age and savannah environment of the possible hominin Graecopithecus from Europe
M Böhme, N Spassov, M Ebner, D Geraads, L Hristova, U Kirscher, ...
PloS one 12 (5), e0177347, 2017
A new magnetostratigraphic framework for the lower Miocene (Burdigalian/Ottnangian, Karpatian) in the North Alpine Foreland Basin
B Reichenbacher, W Krijgsman, Y Lataster, M Pipperr, CGC Van Baak, ...
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 106, 309-334, 2013
Coupled supercontinent–mantle plume events evidenced by oceanic plume record
LS Doucet, ZX Li, RE Ernst, U Kirscher, HG El Dien, RN Mitchell
Geology 48 (2), 159-163, 2020
A paleolatitude reconstruction of the South Armenian Block (Lesser Caucasus) for the Late Cretaceous: Constraints on the Tethyan realm
MJM Meijers, B Smith, U Kirscher, M Mensink, M Sosson, Y Rolland, ...
Tectonophysics 644, 197-219, 2015
Paleomagnetism of the Hart Dolerite (Kimberley, Western Australia)–a two-stage assembly of the supercontinent Nuna?
U Kirscher, Y Liu, ZX Li, RN Mitchell, SA Pisarevsky, SW Denyszyn, ...
Precambrian Research 329, 170-181, 2019
Archean geodynamics: Ephemeral supercontinents or long-lived supercratons
Y Liu, RN Mitchell, ZX Li, U Kirscher, SA Pisarevsky, C Wang
Geology 49 (7), 794-798, 2021
A multistratigraphic approach to pinpoint the Permian-Triassic boundary in continental deposits: the Zechstein–Lower Buntsandstein transition in Germany
F Scholze, X Wang, U Kirscher, J Kraft, JW Schneider, AE Götz, ...
Global and Planetary Change 152, 129-151, 2017
Gulf of Nuna: Astrochronologic correlation of a Mesoproterozoic oceanic euxinic event
RN Mitchell, U Kirscher, M Kunzmann, Y Liu, GM Cox
Geology 49 (1), 25-29, 2021
A biochronologic tie-point for the base of the Tortonian stage in European terrestrial settings: Magnetostratigraphy of the topmost Upper Freshwater Molasse sediments of the …
U Kirscher, J Prieto, V Bachtadse, HA Aziz, G Doppler, M Hagmaier, ...
Newsletters on stratigraphy 49 (3), 445-467, 2016
Late Burdigalian sea retreat from the North Alpine Foreland Basin: new magnetostratigraphic age constraints
K Sant, U Kirscher, B Reichenbacher, M Pippèrr, D Jung, G Doppler, ...
Global and Planetary Change 152, 38-50, 2017
Earth's oldest hotspot track at ca. 1.8 Ga advected by a global subduction system
P Peng, H Xu, RN Mitchell, W Teixeira, U Kirscher, Z Qin, EP Oliveira, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117530, 2022
Harmonic hierarchy of mantle and lithospheric convective cycles: Time series analysis of hafnium isotopes of zircon
RN Mitchell, CJ Spencer, U Kirscher, XF He, JB Murphy, ZX Li, WJ Collins
Gondwana Research 75, 239-248, 2019
Neogene hyperaridity in Arabia drove the directions of mammalian dispersal between Africa and Eurasia
M Böhme, N Spassov, MR Majidifard, A Gärtner, U Kirscher, M Marks, ...
communications earth & environment 2 (1), 85, 2021
Palaeomagnetism of the 1.89 Ga Boonadgin dykes of the Yilgarn Craton: Possible connection with India
Y Liu, ZX Li, S Pisarevsky, U Kirscher, RN Mitchell, JC Stark
Precambrian Research 329, 211-223, 2019
Orbital forcing of ice sheets during snowball Earth
RN Mitchell, TM Gernon, GM Cox, AR Nordsvan, U Kirscher, C Xuan, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4187, 2021
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