On the interaction of surface waves and upper ocean turbulence F Ardhuin, AD Jenkins Journal of physical oceanography 36 (3), 551-557, 2006 | 207 | 2006 |
Coordinate transformation on a sphere using conformal mapping M Bentsen, G Evensen, H Drange, AD Jenkins Monthly Weather Review 127 (12), 2733-2740, 1999 | 176 | 1999 |
Wind and wave induced currents in a rotating sea with depth-varying eddy viscosity AD Jenkins Journal of Physical Oceanography 17 (7), 938-951, 1987 | 121 | 1987 |
The use of a wave prediction model for driving a near-surface current model AD Jenkins Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 42 (3-6), 133-149, 1989 | 109 | 1989 |
Wave damping by a thin layer of viscous fluid AD Jenkins, SJ Jacobs Physics of Fluids 9 (5), 1256-1264, 1997 | 108 | 1997 |
Drag coefficient reduction at very high wind speeds JAT Bye, AD Jenkins Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C3), 2006 | 94 | 2006 |
Comments on “The three-dimensional current and surface wave equations” F Ardhuin, AD Jenkins, KA Belibassakis Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (6), 1340-1350, 2008 | 90 | 2008 |
Heat and freshwater budgets of the Nordic seas computed from atmospheric reanalysis and ocean observations OH Segtnan, T Furevik, AD Jenkins Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C11), 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
A theory for steady and variable wind-and wave-induced currents AD Jenkins Journal of Physical Oceanography 16 (8), 1370-1377, 1986 | 72 | 1986 |
A quasi-linear eddy-viscosity model for the flux of energy and momentum to wind waves using conservation-law equations in a curvilinear coordinate system AD Jenkins Journal of Physical Oceanography 22 (8), 843-858, 1992 | 70 | 1992 |
Satellite earth observation in operational oceanography OM Johannessen, S Sandven, AD Jenkins, D Durand, LH Pettersson, ... Coastal Engineering 41 (1-3), 155-176, 2000 | 63 | 2000 |
Observation and modeling of surface currents on the Grand Banks: A study of the wave effects on surface currents CL Tang, W Perrie, AD Jenkins, BM DeTracey, Y Hu, B Toulany, PC Smith Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C10), 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Surface gravity wave effects on the upper ocean boundary layer: Modification of a one-dimensional vertical mixing model MB Paskyabi, I Fer, AD Jenkins Continental Shelf Research 38, 63-78, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Modelling the effect of ocean waves on the atmospheric and ocean boundary layers AD Jenkins, MB Paskyabi, I Fer, A Gupta, M Adakudlu Energy Procedia 24, 166-175, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
The innovative strategies for observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Project (ISOBAR): Unique finescale observations under stable and very stable conditions ST Kral, J Reuder, T Vihma, I Suomi, KF Haualand, GH Urbancic, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (2), E218-E243, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
A Lagrangian model for wind-and wave-induced near-surface currents AD Jenkins Coastal engineering 11 (5-6), 513-526, 1987 | 30 | 1987 |
Fine-scale sea-ice modelling of the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard LH Smedsrud, WP Budgell, AD Jenkins, B Ådlandsvik Annals of Glaciology 44, 73-79, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
Waves and operational oceanography: toward a coherent description of the upper ocean F Ardhuin, AD Jenkins, D Hauser, A Reniers, B Chapron Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 86 (4), 37-40, 2005 | 28 | 2005 |
The effective film viscosity coefficients of a thin floating fluid layer AD Jenkins, KB Dysthe Journal of Fluid Mechanics 344, 335-337, 1997 | 27 | 1997 |
Some aspects of the work of VW Ekman AD Jenkins, JAT Bye Polar record 42 (1), 15-22, 2006 | 26 | 2006 |