Ute Leonards
Ute Leonards
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Attentional bias training and cue reactivity in cigarette smokers
AS Attwood, H O'Sullivan, U Leonards, B Mackintosh, MR Munafò
Addiction 103 (11), 1875-1882, 2008
Attention mechanisms in visual search—an fMRI study
U Leonards, S Sunaert, P Van Hecke, GA Orban
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12 (Supplement 2), 61-75, 2000
Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers.
MR Munafò, N Roberts, L Bauld, U Leonards
Addiction 106 (8), 2011
The influence of temporal phase differences on texture segmentation
U Leonards, W Singer, M Fahle
Vision research 36 (17), 2689-2697, 1996
Joint action understanding improves robot-to-human object handover
EC Grigore, K Eder, AG Pipe, C Melhuish, U Leonards
2013 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2013
Simulation of artificial vision: I. Eccentric reading of isolated words, and perceptual learning
J Sommerhalder, E Oueghlani, M Bagnoud, U Leonards, AB Safran, ...
Vision Research 43 (3), 269-283, 2003
Toward a science of learning games
P Howard‐Jones, S Demetriou, R Bogacz, JH Yoo, U Leonards
Mind, Brain, and Education 5 (1), 33-41, 2011
Human cortical networks for new and familiar sequences of saccades
MH Grosbras, U Leonards, E Lobel, JB Poline, D LeBihan, A Berthoz
Cerebral Cortex 11 (10), 936-945, 2001
Visual attention to health warnings on plain tobacco packaging in adolescent smokers and non‐smokers
OM Maynard, MR Munafò, U Leonards
Addiction 108 (2), 413-419, 2013
Avoidance of cigarette pack health warnings among regular cigarette smokers
OM Maynard, A Attwood, L O’Brien, S Brooks, C Hedge, U Leonards, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 136, 170-174, 2014
Localization of human frontal eye fields: anatomical and functional findings of functional magnetic resonance imaging and intracerebral electrical stimulation
E Lobel, P Kahane, U Leonards, MH Grosbras, S Lehéricy, D Le Bihan, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 95 (5), 804-815, 2001
Idiosyncratic initiation of saccadic face exploration in humans
U Leonards, NE Scott-Samuel
Vision research 45 (20), 2677-2684, 2005
Effective persuasion strategies for socially assistive robots
K Winkle, S Lemaignan, P Caleb-Solly, U Leonards, A Turton, P Bremner
2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2019
Do we look at lights? Using mixture modelling to distinguish between low-and high-level factors in natural image viewing
BT Vincent, R Baddeley, A Correani, T Troscianko, U Leonards
Visual Cognition 17 (6-7), 856-879, 2009
Perception of own and robot engagement in human–robot interactions and their dependence on robotics knowledge
J Hall, T Tritton, A Rowe, A Pipe, C Melhuish, U Leonards
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (3), 392-399, 2014
Aging and working memory: early deficits in EEG activation of posterior cortical areas
P Missonnier, G Gold, U Leonards, L Costa-Fazio, JP Michel, V Ibáñez, ...
Journal of neural transmission 111, 1141-1154, 2004
Stability of the color-opponent signals under changes of illuminant in natural scenes
PG Lovell, DJ Tolhurst, CA Párraga, R Baddeley, U Leonards, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 22 (10), 2060-2071, 2005
Intra-individual reaction time variability in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a precursor to dementia?
A Tales, U Leonards, A Bompas, RJ Snowden, M Philips, G Porter, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 32 (2), 457-466, 2012
Interocular suppression in normal and amblyopic subjects: the effect of unilateral attenuation with neutral density filters
U Leonards, R Sireteanu
Perception & psychophysics 54, 65-74, 1993
The role of stimulus type in age-related changes of visual working memory
U Leonards, V Ibanez, P Giannakopoulos
Experimental Brain Research 146 (2), 172-183, 2002
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