Yotam Rosner
Yotam Rosner
Post-Doctoral Researcher at Bar Ilan University
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Hazard perception test for pedestrians
T Rosenbloom, R Mandel, Y Rosner, E Eldror
Accident Analysis & Prevention 79, 160-169, 2015
Consumer's attitude, socio-demographic variables and willingness to purchase green housing in Israel
Y Rosner, Z Amitay, A Perlman
Environment, Development and Sustainability 24 (4), 5295-5316, 2022
The effect of the usage of computer-based assistive devices on the functioning and quality of life of individuals who are blind or have low vision
Y Rosner, A Perlman
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 112 (1), 87-99, 2018
Russian intervention in the US presidential elections: The new threat of cognitive subversion
Y Rosner
Institute for National Security Studies, 2018
Report on Suicide Bombings in 2013
Y Rosner
Institute for National Security Studies, 2014
Suicide Attacks in 2016: The Highest Number of Fatalities
Y Schweitzer, A Mendelboim, Y Rosner
INSS Insight, geplaatst op 5, 2017
The Development of Security-Military Thinking in the IDF
G Siboni, Y Bazak, GP Finkel, RG Pinfold, U Dekel, E Shavit, R Tira, ...
Strategic Assessment 21 (1), 2018
Backdoor Plots: The Darknet as a Field for Terrorism
Y Rosner, A Mendelbaum, Y Schweitzer
INSS Insight 464 (10), 2013
The populist radical right in Europe
Y Rosner
The European Union in Turbulent Times: Challenges, Trends, and Significance …, 2018
EU-US Relations in the Trump Era
O Eran, Y Rosner, R Oreg
The European Union in Turbulent T Challenges, Trends, and Significance for …, 2018
The European Union in Turbulent Times: Challenges, Trends, and Significance for Israel
Y Rosner, A Kantor
Institute for National Security Studies, 2018
Suicide Bombings in 2016: The Highest Number of Fatalities
I Kricheli
Institute for National Security Studies, 2017
The role of social media in the radicalization of young people in the West
Y Rosner
The Institute for National Security Studies, 2019
Germany's Foreign Policy Following the Parliamentary Elections
Y Rosner
Institute for National Security Studies., 2022
INSS Insight No. 887, January 5, 2017 Suicide Bombings in 2016: The Highest Number of Fatalities
I Kricheli, Y Rosner, A Mendelboim, Y Schweitzer
INSS Insight No. 965, August 21, 2017 Europe’s Challenges Open the Market for Israel’s Arms Industry
E Rettig, Y Rosner
INSS Insight No. 1031, March 8, 2018 Russian Intervention in the US Presidential Elections: The New Threat of Cognitive Subversion Yotam Rosner and David Siman-Tov
Y Rosner
INSS Insight No. 921, April 27, 2017 The United States Attack in Syria: A Change in Europe-Trump Relations?
O Eran, Y Rosner
INSS Insight No. 507, January 14, 2014 A Report on Suicide Bombings in 2013
Y Rosner, E Yogev, Y Schweitzer
The EU in the Shadow of the Immigration Crisis
Y Rosner, A Kantor
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