Ning Chen
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Habitat filtering determines the functional niche occupancy of plant communities worldwide
Y Li, B Shipley, JN Price, VL Dantas, R Tamme, M Westoby, A Siefert, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2017
Seasonal variation of net N mineralization under different biological soil crusts in Tengger Desert, North China
R Hu, X Wang, Y Pan, Y Zhang, H Zhang, N Chen
Catena, 9-16, 2015
Biocrust as one of multiple stable states in global drylands
N Chen, K Yu, R Jia, J Teng, C Zhao
Science Advances 6 (39), eaay3763, 2020
Sap flow and responses to meteorological about the Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation in Gansu Xinlong mountain, northwestern China
C Han, N Chen, C Zhang, Y Liu, S Khan, K Lu, Y Li, X Dong, C Zhao
Forest Ecology and Management 451, 117519, 2019
Rising variability, not slowing down, as a leading indicator of a stochastically driven abrupt transition in a dryland ecosystem
N Chen, C Jayaprakash, K Yu, V Gutall
The American Naturalist 191 (1), 2018
Ecohydrological effects of biological soil crust on the vegetation dynamics of restoration in a dryland ecosystem
N Chen, X Wang, Y Zhang, K Yu, C Zhao
Journal of Hydrology 563, 1068-1077, 2018
Vegetation richness, species identity and soil nutrients drive the shifts in soil bacterial communities during restoration process
M Liu, X Li, R Zhu, N Chen, L Ding, C Chen
Environmental Microbiology Reports 13 (4), 411-424, 2021
Divergent variations in concentrations of chemical elements among shrub organs in a temperate desert
M He, X Song, F Tian, K Zhang, Z Zhang, N Chen, X Li
Scientific Reports, 20124, 2016
Effects of three coniferous plantation species on plant‐soil feedbacks and soil physical and chemical properties in semi‐arid mountain ecosystems
C Han, C Zhang, Y Liu, Y Li, T Zhou, S Khan, N Chen, C Zhao
Forest Ecosystems 8 (1), 3, 2021
Insight into the influence of sand-stabilizing shrubs on soil enzyme activity in a temperate desert
R Hu, X Wang, Y Zhang, W Shi, Y Jin, N Chen
Catena, 526-535, 2016
Seed banks trigger ecological resilience in subalpine meadows abandoned after arable farming on the Tibetan Plateau
M Ma, C Baskin, W Li, Y Zhao, Y Zhao, L Zhao, N Chen, G Du
Ecological Applications, 2019
Rainfall partitioning by vegetation in China: A quantitative synthesis
Y Zhang, Y Chun, N Chen, DF Levia
Journal of Hydrology 617, 128946, 2023
Canopy rainfall storage capacity as affected by sub-alpine grassland degradation in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China
K Yu, T Pypker, K Richard, N Chen, Y Yang
Hydrological Processes 26 (20), 3114-3123, 2012
Ecological effects of establishing a 40-year oasis protection system in a northwestern China desert
GW Wang, SM Munson, K Yu, N Chen, Q Gou
Catena 187, 13, 2020
Global quantitative synthesis of effects of biotic and abiotic factors on stemflow production in woody ecosystems
Y Zhang, X Wang, Y Pan, R Hu, N Chen
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021
Responses of plant growth of different life forms to rainfall amount changes in an arid desert area (in Chinese)
H Zhang, X Wang, Y Zhang, R Hu, Y Pan, N Chen
Chinese Jounral of Ecology 34 (7), 1847-1853, 2015
The effects of fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil macropores
Y Zheng, N Chen, K Yu, C Zhao
Soil and Tillage Research 225, 105528, 2023
Drought Enhances the Role of Competition in Mediating the Relationship between Tree Growth and Climate in Semi-Arid Areas of Northwest China
K Lu, N Chen, C Zhang, X Dong, C Zhao
Forests 10, 804, 2019
Photosynthesis regulates the diel hysteresis pattern between soil respiration and soil temperature in a steppe grassland
C Guan, N Chen, L Qiao, C Zhao
Geoderma 408, 115561, 2022
Precipitation and nitrogen deposition alter biocrust–vascular plant coexistence in a desert ecosystem: Threshold and mechanisms
W She, N Chen, Y Zhang, S Qin, Y Bai, W Feng, Z Lai, Y Qiao, L Liu, ...
Journal of Ecology 110 (4), 772-783, 2022
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