Suzanne T. Bell
Suzanne T. Bell
NASA Johnson Space Center
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Effectiveness of training in organizations: a meta-analysis of design and evaluation features.
W Arthur Jr, W Bennett Jr, PS Edens, ST Bell
Journal of Applied psychology 88 (2), 234, 2003
Deep-level composition variables as predictors of team performance: a meta-analysis.
ST Bell
Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (3), 595, 2007
Getting specific about demographic diversity variable and team performance relationships: A meta-analysis
ST Bell, AJ Villado, MA Lukasik, L Belau, AL Briggs
Journal of management 37 (3), 709-743, 2011
The use of person-organization fit in employment decision making: an assessment of its criterion-related validity.
W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, AJ Villado, D Doverspike
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 786, 2006
Relationships among team ability composition, team mental models, and team performance.
BD Edwards, EA Day, W Arthur Jr, ST Bell
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (3), 727, 2006
Relationships between facets of job satisfaction and task and contextual performance
BD Edwards, ST Bell, W Arthur, Jr, AD Decuir
Applied psychology 57 (3), 441-465, 2008
Team composition and the ABCs of teamwork.
ST Bell, SG Brown, A Colaneri, N Outland
American psychologist 73 (4), 349, 2018
The power of “we”: Effects of psychological collectivism on team performance over time.
EC Dierdorff, ST Bell, JA Belohlav
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (2), 247, 2011
Facet personality and surface-level diversity as team mental model antecedents: Implications for implicit coordination.
DM Fisher, ST Bell, EC Dierdorff, JA Belohlav
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (4), 825, 2012
Team viability for long-term and ongoing organizational teams
ST Bell, BJ Marentette
Organizational Psychology Review 1 (4), 275-292, 2011
Team task analysis: Identifying tasks and jobs that are team based
W Arthur Jr, BD Edwards, ST Bell, AJ Villado, W Bennett Jr
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47 (3 …, 2005
An approach for conducting actionable research with extreme teams
ST Bell, DM Fisher, SG Brown, KE Mann
Journal of Management 44 (7), 2740-2765, 2018
Feedback acceptance in developmental assessment centers: The role of feedback message, participant personality, and affective response to the feedback session
ST Bell, W Arthur Jr
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008
A longitudinal examination of the comparative criterion-related validity of additive and referent-shift consensus operationalizations of team efficacy
W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, BD Edwards
Organizational Research Methods 10 (1), 35-58, 2007
What we know about team dynamics for long-distance space missions: a systematic review of analog research
ST Bell, SG Brown, T Mitchell
Frontiers in psychology 10, 811, 2019
A conceptual framework for leveraging team composition decisions to build human capital
ST Bell, SG Brown, JA Weiss
Human Resource Management Review 28 (4), 450-463, 2018
Convergence of self-report and archival crash involvement data: A two-year longitudinal follow-up
W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, BD Edwards, EA Day, TC Tubre, AH Tubre
Human Factors 47 (2), 303-313, 2005
Ability-based pairing strategies in the team-based training of a complex skill: Does the intelligence of your training partner matter?
EA Day, W Arthur, ST Bell, BD Edwards, W Bennett, JL Mendoza, ...
Intelligence 33 (1), 39-65, 2005
Team composition issues for future space exploration: a review and directions for future research
ST Bell, SG Brown, DR Abben, NB Outland
Aerospace medicine and human performance 86 (6), 548-556, 2015
Team composition over time
ST Bell, N Outland
Team dynamics over time, 3-27, 2017
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