Nicolas Holzschuch
Nicolas Holzschuch
INRIA Rhône-Alpes, LJK, University of Grenoble
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A survey of real-time soft shadows algorithms
JM Hasenfratz, M Lapierre, N Holzschuch, FX Sillion
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (4), 753-774, 2003
A frequency analysis of light transport
F Durand, N Holzschuch, C Soler, E Chan, FX Sillion
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24 (3), 1115-1126, 2005
Accurate detection of symmetries in 3d shapes
A Martinet, C Soler, N Holzschuch, FX Sillion
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 25 (2), 439-464, 2006
Reparameterizing discontinuous integrands for differentiable rendering
G Loubet, N Holzschuch, W Jakob
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38 (6), 1-14, 2019
Frequency analysis and sheared reconstruction for rendering motion blur
K Egan, YT Tseng, N Holzschuch, F Durand, R Ramamoorthi
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, 1-13, 2009
Fourier depth of field
C Soler, K Subr, F Durand, N Holzschuch, F Sillion
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28 (2), 1-12, 2009
Accurate fitting of measured reflectances using a shifted gamma micro‐facet distribution
MM Bagher, C Soler, N Holzschuch
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (4), 1509-1518, 2012
A two-scale microfacet reflectance model combining reflection and diffraction
N Holzschuch, R Pacanowski
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1-12, 2017
Soft shadow maps: Efficient sampling of light source visibility
L Atty, N Holzschuch, M Lapierre, JM Hasenfratz, C Hansen, FX Sillion
Computer graphics forum 25 (4), 725-741, 2006
Real‐time realistic ocean lighting using seamless transitions from geometry to BRDF
E Bruneton, F Neyret, N Holzschuch
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (2), 487-496, 2010
Single scattering in refractive media with triangle mesh boundaries
B Walter, S Zhao, N Holzschuch, K Bala
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, 1-8, 2009
5D covariance tracing for efficient defocus and motion blur
L Belcour, C Soler, K Subr, N Holzschuch, F Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (3), 1-18, 2013
Scalable real‐time animation of rivers
Q Yu, F Neyret, E Bruneton, N Holzschuch
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2), 239-248, 2009
An efficient progressive refinement strategy for hierarchical radiosity
N Holzschuch, F Sillion, G Drettakis
Photorealistic Rendering Techniques, 357-372, 1994
Fast precomputed ambient occlusion for proximity shadows
M Malmer, F Malmer, U Assarsson, N Holzschuch
Journal of graphics tools 12 (2), 59-71, 2007
Whitted ray-tracing for dynamic scenes using a ray-space hierarchy on the GPU
D Roger, U Assarsson, N Holzschuch
Symposium on Rendering, Rendering Techniques 2007, 99-110, 2007
Wavelet radiance transport for interactive indirect lighting
J Kontkanen, E Turquin, N Holzschuch, FX Sillion
Rendering Techniques 2006 (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 161-171, 2006
Efficient stream reduction on the GPU
D Roger, U Assarsson, N Holzschuch
Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units, 2007
Real‐time rendering of heterogeneous translucent objects with arbitrary shapes
Y Wang, J Wang, N Holzschuch, K Subr, JH Yong, B Guo
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (2), 497-506, 2010
Fast non-linear projections using graphics hardware
JD Gascuel, N Holzschuch, G Fournier, B Peroche
Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 107-114, 2008
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