Xun Sun
Xun Sun
Columbia Water Center
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A global analysis of the asymmetric effect of ENSO on extreme precipitation
X Sun, B Renard, M Thyer, S Westra, M Lang
Journal of Hydrology 530, 51-65, 2015
Bayesian methods for non-stationary extreme value analysis
B Renard, X Sun, M Lang
Extremes in a Changing Climate, 39-95, 2013
A general regional frequency analysis framework for quantifying local-scale climate effects: A case study of ENSO effects on Southeast Queensland rainfall
X Sun, M Thyer, B Renard, M Lang
Journal of Hydrology 512, 53-68, 2014
Forecasting China’s regional energy demand by 2030: A Bayesian approach
XC Yuan, X Sun, W Zhao, Z Mi, B Wang, YM Wei
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 127, 85-95, 2017
XC Yuan, X Sun, U Lall, ZF Mi, J He, YM Wei
A multimedia fugacity model to estimate the fate and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a largely urbanized area, Shanghai, China
Y Huang, X Sun, M Liu, J Zhu, J Yang, W Du, X Zhang, D Gao, A Qadeer, ...
Chemosphere 217, 298-307, 2019
Characterization of PM2. 5-bound PAHs and carbonaceous aerosols during three-month severe haze episode in Shanghai, China: Chemical composition, source apportionment and long …
XY Wei, M Liu, J Yang, WN Du, X Sun, YP Huang, X Zhang, SK Khalil, ...
Atmospheric Environment 203, 1-9, 2019
A hierarchical Bayesian regression model for predicting summer residential electricity demand across the USA
S Wang, X Sun, U Lall
Energy 140, 601-611, 2017
Hierarchical Bayesian clustering for nonstationary flood frequency analysis: Application to trends of annual maximum flow in Germany
X Sun, U Lall, B Merz, NV Dung
Water Resources Research 51 (8), 6586–6601, 2015
Multiscale temporal variability and regional patterns in 555 years of conterminous US streamflow
M Ho, U Lall, X Sun, ER Cook
Water Resources Research 53 (4), 3047-3066, 2017
Climate influences on flood probabilities across Europe
E Steirou, L Gerlitz, H Apel, X Sun, B Merz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (3), 1305-1322, 2019
A two-stage blending approach for merging multiple satellite precipitation estimates and rain gauge observations: an experiment in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Y Ma, X Sun, H Chen, Y Hong, Y Zhang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (1), 359-374, 2021
Spatially coherent trends of annual maximum daily precipitation in the United States
X Sun, U Lall
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (22), 9781-9789, 2015
Skillful statistical models to predict seasonal wind speed and solar radiation in a Yangtze River estuary case study
P Zeng, X Sun, DJ Farnham
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-11, 2020
Nonstationary extreme flood/rainfall frequency analysis informed by large‐scale oceanic fields for Xidayang Reservoir in North China
H Zeng, X Sun, U Lall, P Feng
International Journal of Climatology 37 (10), 3810-3820, 2017
The impact of the Three Gorges Dam on summer streamflow in the Yangtze River Basin
Z Su, M Ho, Z Hao, U Lall, X Sun, X Chen, L Yan
Hydrological Processes 34 (3), 705-717, 2020
Avulsion triggering by El Niño–Southern Oscillation and tectonic forcing: The case of the tropical Magdalena River, Colombia
S Morón, K Amos, DA Edmonds, T Payenberg, X Sun, M Thyer
Bulletin 129 (9-10), 1300-1313, 2017
China’s socioeconomic risk from extreme events in a changing climate: a hierarchical Bayesian model
XC Yuan, X Sun, U Lall, ZF Mi, J He, YM Wei
Climatic Change 139 (2), 169-181, 2016
Nonlinear response of runoff to atmospheric freezing level height variation based on hybrid prediction models
Y Qin, B Li, X Sun, Y Chen, X Shi
Hydrological Sciences Journal 64 (13), 1556-1572, 2019
Climate change impacts on socioeconomic damages from weather-related events in China
XC Yuan, X Sun
Natural Hazards 99 (3), 1197-1213, 2019
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