Lauren C. Ponisio
Lauren C. Ponisio
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Diversification practices reduce organic to conventional yield gap
LC Ponisio, LK M'Gonigle, KC Mace, J Palomino, P De Valpine, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1799), 20141396, 2015
More than just indicators: a review of tropical butterfly ecology and conservation
TC Bonebrake, LC Ponisio, CL Boggs, PR Ehrlich
Biological conservation 143 (8), 1831-1841, 2010
Habitat restoration promotes pollinator persistence and colonization in intensively managed agriculture
LK M'Gonigle, LC Ponisio, K Cutler, C Kremen
Ecological Applications 25 (6), 1557-1565, 2015
Pyrodiversity begets plant–pollinator community diversity
LC Ponisio, K Wilkin, LK M'Gonigle, K Kulhanek, L Cook, R Thorp, ...
Global change biology 22 (5), 1794-1808, 2016
On‐farm habitat restoration counters biotic homogenization in intensively managed agriculture
LC Ponisio, LK M'Gonigle, C Kremen
Global Change Biology 22 (2), 704-715, 2016
Opportunistic attachment assembles plant–pollinator networks
LC Ponisio, MP Gaiarsa, C Kremen
Ecology Letters 20 (10), 1261-1272, 2017
Towards a US national program for monitoring native bees
SH Woodard, S Federman, RR James, BN Danforth, TL Griswold, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 108821, 2020
A network perspective for community assembly
LC Ponisio, FS Valdovinos, KT Allhoff, MP Gaiarsa, A Barner, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 103, 2019
Temporal dynamics influenced by global change: bee community phenology in urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes
M Leong, LC Ponisio, C Kremen, RW Thorp, GK Roderick
Global Change Biology 22 (3), 1046-1053, 2016
Pollinator community assembly tracks changes in floral resources as restored hedgerows mature in agricultural landscapes
C Kremen, LK M'Gonigle, LC Ponisio
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 170, 2018
Restoring pollinator communities and pollination services in hedgerows in intensively managed agricultural landscapes
C Kremen, M Albrecht, L Ponisio
The ecology of hedgerows and field margins, 163-185, 2019
Responses from bees, butterflies, and ground beetles to different fire and site characteristics: a global meta-analysis
SC Mason Jr, V Shirey, LC Ponisio, JK Gelhaus
Biological Conservation 261, 109265, 2021
Diversification, yield and a new agricultural revolution: Problems and prospects
LC Ponisio, PR Ehrlich
Sustainability 8 (11), 1118, 2016
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) pollination in California's Central Valley is limited by native bee nest site location
HS Sardiñas, K Tom, LC Ponisio, A Rominger, C Kremen
Ecological Applications 26 (2), 438-447, 2016
Proximity of restored hedgerows interacts with local floral diversity and species' traits to shape long‐term pollinator metacommunity dynamics
LC Ponisio, P de Valpine, LK M’Gonigle, C Kremen
Ecology Letters 22 (7), 1048-1060, 2019
Agricultural practices for food safety threaten pest control services for fresh produce
DS Karp, R Moses, S Gennet, MS Jones, S Joseph, LK M'Gonigle, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1402-1412, 2016
Hedgerow presence does not enhance indicators of nest‐site habitat quality or nesting rates of ground‐nesting bees
HS Sardiñas, LC Ponisio, C Kremen
Restoration Ecology 24 (4), 499-505, 2016
Fire, water, and biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada: A possible triple win
SL Stephens, S Thompson, G Boisramé, BM Collins, LC Ponisio, ...
Environmental Research Communications 3 (8), 081004, 2021
Quantifying direct yield benefits of soil carbon increases from cover cropping
I Vendig, A Guzman, G De La Cerda, K Esquivel, AC Mayer, L Ponisio, ...
Nature Sustainability 6 (9), 1125-1134, 2023
One size does not fit all: Customizing MCMC methods for hierarchical models using NIMBLE
DT Lauren C. Ponisio, Perry de Valpine, Nicholas Michaud
Ecology and Evolution, 2020
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