Bahattin ERDOGAN
Bahattin ERDOGAN
Yildiz Technical University, Department of Geomatic Engineering
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Zitiert von
Analysis of web-based online services for GPS relative and precise point positioning techniques
T Ocalan, B Erdogan, N Tunalioglu
Boletim de ciencias geodesicas 19, 191-207, 2013
Increasing the efficacy of the conventional deformation analysis methods: alternative strategy
S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan, S Butterworth
Journal of Surveying Engineering 136 (2), 53-62, 2010
Accuracy investigation of PPP method versus relative positioning using different satellite ephemerides products near/under forest environment
T Ocalan, B Erdogan, N Tunalioglu, UM Durdag
Earth sciences research journal 20 (4), D1-D9, 2016
Univariate approach for detecting outliers in geodetic networks
S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan, M Soycan, UM Durdag
Journal of surveying engineering 140 (2), 04014006, 2014
Detecting configuration weaknesses in geodetic networks
S Hekimoglu, RC Erenoglu, DU Sanli, B Erdogan
Survey Review 43 (323), 713-730, 2011
A new outlier detection method considering outliers as model errors
S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan, RC Erenoglu
Experimental Techniques 39, 57-68, 2015
Effect of subnetwork configuration design on deformation analysis
B Erdogan, S Hekimoglu
Survey Review 46 (335), 142-148, 2014
Reliability of Models in Kinematic Deformation Analysis
UM Durdag, S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan
Journal of Surveying Engineering 144 (3), 04018004, 2018
An outlier detection method in geodetic networks based on the original observations
B Erdogan
Boletim de Ciências geodésicas 20 (3), 578-589, 2014
Accuracy assessment of UAV-post-processing kinematic (PPK) and UAV-traditional (with ground control points) georeferencing methods
T Türk, N Tunalioglu, B Erdogan, T Ocalan, M Gurturk
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (7), 476, 2022
New median approach to define configuration weakness of deformation networks
S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan
Journal of Surveying Engineering 138 (3), 101-108, 2012
Efficiency of BERNESE single baseline rapid static positioning solutions with search strategy
I Tut, DU Sanli, B Erdogan, S Hekimoğlu
Survey Review 45 (331), 296-304, 2013
Increasing the efficacy of the tests for outliers for geodetic networks
S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan, RC Erenoglu, RG Hosbas
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 46, 291-308, 2011
Empirical estimation of the power of test in outlier detection problem
B Erdogan, S Hekimoglu, UM Durdag, T Ocalan
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 63, 55-70, 2019
Performance analysis of Real Time PPP for transit of Mercury
B Erdogan, F Karlitepe, T Ocalan, N Tunalioglu
Measurement 129, 358-367, 2018
Evaluation of the GPS Precise Point Positioning technique during the 21 July 2017 Kos-Bodrum (East Aegean Sea) Mw 6.6 earthquake
AH Dogan, N Tunalioglu, B Erdogan, T Ocalan
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-10, 2018
Outlier detection by using fault detection and isolation techniques in geodetic networks
UM Durdag, S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan
Survey Review 48 (351), 400-408, 2016
What is the relation between smearing effect of least squares estimation and its influence function?
UM Durdag, S Hekimoglu, B Erdogan
Survey Review 54 (385), 320-331, 2022
A new empirical troposphere model using ERA5's monthly averaged hourly dataset
AH Dogan, B Erdogan
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 232, 105865, 2022
Scaling of the variance covariance matrix obtained from Bernese software
B Erdogan, AH Dogan
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 54, 197-211, 2019
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