L. C. Cameron, Luiz Claudio Cameron, Luiz-Claudio Cameron, Luiz Cameron, Claudio Cameron, LC
L. C. Cameron, Luiz Claudio Cameron, Luiz-Claudio Cameron, Luiz Cameron, Claudio Cameron, LC
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Kombuchas from green and black teas have different phenolic profile, which impacts their antioxidant capacities, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities
RR Cardoso, RO Neto, CT dos Santos D'Almeida, TP do Nascimento, ...
Food research international 128, 108782, 2020
The upper values of plasma creatine kinase of professional soccer players during the Brazilian National Championship
FL Lazarim, JMF Antunes-Neto, FOC Da Silva, LAS Nunes, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12 (1), 85-90, 2009
Effect of exercise on ovulation: a systematic review
O Hakimi, LC Cameron
Sports Medicine 47, 1555-1567, 2017
Design of the next generation of the Oyster wave energy converter
L Cameron, R Doherty, A Henry, K Doherty, J Van’t Hoff, D Kaye, D Naylor, ...
3rd international conference on ocean energy 6, 1e12, 2010
Anti-infliximab antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who require higher doses of infliximab to achieve or maintain a clinical response.
B Haraoui, L Cameron, M Ouellet, B White
The Journal of rheumatology 33 (1), 31-36, 2006
High-intensity ultraendurance promotes early release of muscle injury markers
A Bessa, M Nissenbaum, A Monteiro, PG Gandra, LS Nunes, ...
British journal of sports medicine 42 (11), 889-893, 2008
Advances in the design of the Oyster wave energy converter
A Henry, K Doherty, L Cameron, T Whittaker, R Doherty
RINA Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy, London, UK, 2010
Glutamine protects against increases in blood ammonia in football players in an exercise intensity-dependent way
A Bassini-Cameron, A Monteiro, A Gomes, JPS Werneck-de-Castro, ...
British journal of sports medicine 42 (4), 260-266, 2008
Effect of caffeine supplementation on haematological and biochemical variables in elite soccer players under physical stress conditions
A Bassini-Cameron, E Sweet, A Bottino, C Bittar, C Veiga, LC Cameron
British journal of sports medicine 41 (8), 523-530, 2007
Glutamine and carbohydrate supplements reduce ammonemia increase during endurance field exercise
J Carvalho-Peixoto, RC Alves, LC Cameron
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 32 (6), 1186-1190, 2007
Sportomics: building a new concept in metabolic studies and exercise science
A Bassini, LC Cameron
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 445 (4), 708-716, 2014
Metabolomic approach for characterization of phenolic compounds in different wheat genotypes during grain development
MCB Santos, LR da Silva Lima, FR Nascimento, TP do Nascimento, ...
Food Research International 124, 118-128, 2019
A sportomics strategy to analyze the ability of arginine to modulate both ammonia and lymphocyte levels in blood after high-intensity exercise
LC Gonçalves, A Bessa, R Freitas-Dias, R Luzes, JPS Werneck-de-Castro, ...
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 9, 1-9, 2012
Longissimus dorsi muscle label-free quantitative proteomic reveals biological mechanisms associated with intramuscular fat deposition
MD Poleti, LCA Regitano, GHMF Souza, ASM Cesar, RC Simas, ...
Journal of proteomics 179, 30-41, 2018
Chemical-genetic inhibition of a sensitized mutant myosin Vb demonstrates a role in peripheral-pericentriolar membrane traffic
DW Provance Jr, CR Gourley, CM Silan, LC Cameron, KM Shokat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (7), 1868-1873, 2004
Black tea kombucha: Physicochemical, microbiological and comprehensive phenolic profile changes during fermentation, and antimalarial activity
MC de Noronha, RR Cardoso, CT dos Santos D'Almeida, MAV do Carmo, ...
Food Chemistry 384, 132515, 2022
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, volatile and phenolic profiles of cabbage-stalk and pineapple-crown flour revealed by GC-MS and UPLC-MSE
TBN Brito, LRS Lima, MCB Santos, RFA Moreira, LC Cameron, AEC Fai, ...
Food Chemistry 339, 127882, 2021
Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities and flour effect on glycemic …
CP da Silva, RAM Soares-Freitas, GR Sampaio, MCB Santos, ...
Food Research International 116, 1076-1083, 2019
Metabolite Profiling by UPLC-MSE, NMR, and Antioxidant Properties of Amazonian Fruits: Mamey Apple (Mammea Americana), Camapu (Physalis Angulata), and …
LGB Lima, J Montenegro, JP Abreu, MCB Santos, TP Nascimento, ...
Molecules 25 (2), 342, 2020
Keto analogue and amino acid supplementation affects the ammonaemia response during exercise under ketogenic conditions
ES Prado, JM de Rezende Neto, RD de Almeida, MGD de Melo, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 105 (12), 1729-1733, 2011
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