Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - John Alvarez or John Paul AlvarezWeitere Informationen
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Active suppression of a leaf meristem orchestrates determinate leaf growth
JP Alvarez, C Furumizu, I Efroni, Y Eshed, JL Bowman
elife 5, e15023, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture, Australian Research Council, European …
Antagonistic roles for KNOX1 and KNOX2 genes in patterning the land plant body plan following an ancient gene duplication
C Furumizu, JP Alvarez, K Sakakibara, JL Bowman
PLoS Genetics 11 (2), e1004980, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Class C ARFs evolved before the origin of land plants and antagonize differentiation and developmental transitions in Marchantia polymorpha
E Flores‐Sandoval, DM Eklund, SF Hong, JP Alvarez, TJ Fisher, ...
New Phytologist 218 (4), 1612-1630, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Auxin‐mediated lamina growth in tomato leaves is restricted by two parallel mechanisms
H Ben‐Gera, A Dafna, JP Alvarez, M Bar, M Mauerer, N Ori
The Plant Journal 86 (6), 443-457, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
The KNOXI transcription factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulates floral fate in Arabidopsis
O Roth, JP Alvarez, M Levy, JL Bowman, N Ori, E Shani
The Plant Cell 30 (6), 1309-1321, 2018
Mandate: European Commission, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Human …
The Tomato BLADE ON PETIOLE and TERMINATING FLOWER Regulate Leaf Axil Patterning Along the Proximal-Distal Axes
A Izhaki, JP Alvarez, Y Cinnamon, O Genin, R Liberman-Aloni, Y Eyal
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1126, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense
PIN‐FORMED is required for shoot phototropism/gravitropism and facilitates meristem formation in Marchantia polymorpha
TJ Fisher, E Flores‐Sandoval, JP Alvarez, JL Bowman
New Phytologist 238 (4), 1498-1515, 2023
Mandate: Australian Research Council
KANADI promotes thallus differentiation and FR‐induced gametangiophore formation in the liverwort Marchantia
LN Briginshaw, E Flores‐Sandoval, T Dierschke, JP Alvarez, JL Bowman
New Phytologist 234 (4), 1377-1393, 2022
Mandate: Australian Research Council
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