José Manuel Verdes García
José Manuel Verdes García
Unidad de Patología, Departamento de Patobiología, Facultad de Veterinaria, Udelar
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Nerve growth factor (NGF) restores depletions of calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P in sensory neurons from diabetic mice in vitro
K Sango, JM Verdes, N Hikawa, H Horie, S Tanaka, S Inoue, JR Sotelo, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 126 (1), 1-5, 1994
Ivermectin reduces in vivo coronavirus infection in a mouse experimental model
AP Arévalo, R Pagotto, JL Pórfido, H Daghero, M Segovia, K Yamasaki, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7132, 2021
Cerebellar Degeneration in Cattle Grazing Solanum Bonariense (“Naranjillo”) in Western Uruguay
JM Verdes, A Moraña, F Gutiérrez, D Battes, LE Fidalgo, F Guerrero
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 18 (3), 299-303, 2006
Central nervous system lesions caused by canine distemper virus in 4 vaccinated dogs
G Feijóo, K Yamasaki, L Delucchi, JM Verdes
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 33 (4), 640-647, 2021
Seroepidemiological survey of Rickettsia spp. in dogs from the endemic area of Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis in Uruguay
P Lado, FB Costa, JM Verdes, MB Labruna, JM Venzal
Acta Tropica 146, 7-10, 2015
Amphibian parasites of the Order Dermocystida (Ichthyosporea): current knowledge, taxonomic review and new records from Brazil
C Borteiro, JD Baldo, MM Maronna, D Pontes Baêta Da Costa, ...
Magnolia Press, 2018
Dermocystid-Chytrid Coinfection in the Neotropical Frog Hypsiboas pulchellus (Anura: Hylidae)
C Borteiro, JC Cruz, F Kolenc, JM Verdes, A Moraña, CM Debat, A Kun, ...
Journal of wildlife diseases 50 (1), 150-153, 2014
Intramural Vascular Edema in the Brain of Goats With Clostridium perfringens Type D Enterotoxemia
J Ortega, JM Verdes, EL Morrell, JW Finnie, J Manavis, FA Uzal
Veterinary pathology 56 (3), 452-459, 2019
Estudio comparativo de los niveles de calcio, fósforo y magnesio durante el periparto en vacas lecheras en diferentes sistemas de producción en Uruguay y España
L Albornoz, JP Albornoz, JC Cruz, LE Fidalgo, L Espino, M Morales, ...
Veterinaria (Montevideo) 53 (205), 1-1, 2017
Sensitivity of histology for the detection of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
C Borteiro, F Kolenc, JM Verdes, C Martínez Debat, M Ubilla
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 31 (2), 246-249, 2019
Ivermectin reduces coronavirus infection in vivo: a mouse experimental model
AP Arevalo, R Pagotto, J Pórfido, H Daghero, M Segovia, K Yamasaki, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.11. 02.363242, 2020
Calbindin D28k distribution in neurons and reactive gliosis in cerebellar cortex of natural Rabies virus–infected cattle
JM Verdes, FJF de Sant’Ana, MJ Sabalsagaray, K Okada, A Calliari, ...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 28 (4), 361-368, 2016
Ichthyophonus sp. (Ichthyophonae, Ichthyophonida) Infection in a South American Amphibian, the Hylid frog Hypsiboas pulchellus
C Borteiro, JM Verdes, JC Cruz, MJ Sabalsagaray, F Kolenc, CM Debat, ...
Journal of wildlife diseases 51 (2), 530-533, 2015
Calbindin D28k Expression and the Absence of Apoptosis in the Cerebellum of Solanum bonariense L–Intoxicated Bovines
JM Verdes, JA Moraña, D Battes, F Gutiérrez, F Guerrero, A Goicoa, ...
Veterinary Pathology 47 (3), 569-572, 2010
Trypanosoma cruzi isolates naturally adapted to congenital transmission display a unique strategy of transplacental passage
P Faral-Tello, G Greif, S Romero, A Cabrera, C Oviedo, T González, ...
Microbiology Spectrum 11 (2), e02504-22, 2023
Jejunum-derived NF-κB reporter organoids as 3D models for the study of TNF-alpha-induced inflammation
H Daghero, F Doffe, B Varela, V Yozzi, JM Verdes, M Crispo, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 14425, 2022
Hypopigmentation in wild snakes from Uruguay
V Machín, E Rossini, C Prigioni, F Kolenc, A Crampet, C Borteiro, ...
Herpetology Notes 11, 1051-1053, 2018
Ivermectin reduces coronavirus infection in vivo: a mouse experimental model. bioRxiv 2020
AP Arévalo, R Pagotto, J Porfido, H Daghero, M Segovia, K Yamasaki, ...
Preprint. Available at: https://www. biorxiv. org/content/10.1101/2020.11 2, v1, 0
Mediación social en el consumo de alimentos en ovinos: condicionamiento jerárquico por edad como herramienta para controlar la dieta en rumiantes no emparentados en pastoreo.
P Ruiz, JM Verdes
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento 2 (3), 14-20, 2010
Increased caspase-3 immunoexpression and morphology alterations in oenocytes and trophocytes of Apis mellifera larvae induced by toxic secretion of Epormenis cestri
MH Viotti, P Juri, P Lombide, ML Presentado, JM Verdes, E Nogueira, ...
Journal of Apicultural Science 65 (1), 101-108, 2021
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