David G. Allen
David G. Allen
Professor of Physiology, University of Sydney
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Skeletal muscle fatigue: cellular mechanisms
DG Allen, GD Lamb, H Westerblad
Physiological reviews 88 (1), 287-332, 2008
Muscle fatigue: lactic acid or inorganic phosphate the major cause?
H Westerblad, DG Allen, J Lännergren
Physiology, 2002
The cellular basis of the length-tension relation in cardiac muscle
DG Allen, JC Kentish
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 17 (9), 821-840, 1985
The effects of muscle length on intracellular calcium transients in mammalian cardiac muscle.
DG Allen, S Kurihara
The Journal of physiology 327 (1), 79-94, 1982
Myocardial contractile function during ischemia and hypoxia.
DG Allen, CH Orchard
Circulation Research 60 (2), 153-168, 1987
Cellular mechanisms of fatigue in skeletal muscle
H Westerblad, JA Lee, J Lannergren, DG Allen
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 261 (2), C195-C209, 1991
Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is mediated by a Ca2+-dependent calcineurin signalling pathway
C Semsarian, MJ Wu, YK Ju, T Marciniec, T Yeoh, DG Allen, RP Harvey, ...
Nature 400 (6744), 576-581, 1999
Calcium transients in aequorin-injected frog cardiac muscle
DG Allen, JR Blinks
Nature 273 (5663), 509-513, 1978
Effect of hydrogen peroxide and dithiothreitol on contractile function of single skeletal muscle fibres from the mouse
FH Andrade, MB Reid, DG Allen, H Westerblad
The Journal of physiology 509 (Pt 2), 565, 1998
Early events in stretch-induced muscle damage
DL Morgan, DG Allen
Journal of applied physiology 87 (6), 2007-2015, 1999
Muscle cell function during prolonged activity: cellular mechanisms of fatigue
DG Allen, J Lannergren, H Westerblad
Experimental Physiology: Translation and Integration 80 (4), 497-527, 1995
Changes of myoplasmic calcium concentration during fatigue in single mouse muscle fibers.
H Westerblad, DG Allen
The Journal of general physiology 98 (3), 615-635, 1991
Absence of Dystrophin Disrupts Skeletal Muscle Signaling: Roles of Ca2+, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Nitric Oxide in the Development of Muscular Dystrophy
DG Allen, NP Whitehead, SC Froehner
Physiological reviews 96 (1), 253-305, 2016
Role of phosphate and calcium stores in muscle fatigue
DG Allen, H Westerblad
The Journal of physiology 536 (3), 657-665, 2001
Eccentric muscle damage: mechanisms of early reduction of force
DG Allen
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 171 (3), 311-319, 2001
Aequorin luminescence: relation of light emission to calcium concentration—a calcium-independent component
DG Allen, JR Blinks, FG Prendergast
Science 195 (4282), 996-998, 1977
Muscle damage in mdx (dystrophic) mice: role of calcium and reactive oxygen species.
NP Whitehead, EW Yeung, DG Allen
Intracellular calcium concentration during low-frequency fatigue in isolated single fibers of mouse skeletal muscle
H Westerblad, S Duty, DG Allen
Journal of Applied Physiology 75 (1), 382-388, 1993
Impaired calcium release during fatigue
DG Allen, GD Lamb, H Westerblad
Journal of applied physiology 104 (1), 296-305, 2008
Effects of stretch‐activated channel blockers on [Ca2+] i and muscle damage in the mdx mouse
EW Yeung, NP Whitehead, TM Suchyna, PA Gottlieb, F Sachs, DG Allen
The Journal of physiology 562 (2), 367-380, 2005
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