Peter Bengtson
Peter Bengtson
Professor of Palaeontology, Heidelberg University, Germany
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Open nomenclature
P Bengtson
Verlag nicht ermittelbar 31, 223-227, 1988
The Turonian stage and substage boundaries
P Bengtson, WA Cobban, P Dodsworth, AS Gale
Bulletin de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences …, 1996
The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
P Bengtson
The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil, 1-78, 1983
Síntesis estratigráfica y sedimentológica del Cretáceo y Paleógeno de la cuenca oriental del Ecuador
E Jaillard, M Caron, A Dhondt, M Ordoñez, R Andrade, P Bengtson, ...
Orstom-Petroproduccion eds 164, 1997
Cretaceous echinoids from north-eastern Brazil
AB Smith, P Bengtson
Cretaceous echinoids from north-eastern Brazil, 1-88, 1991
A Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas: evolução geológica, estratigrafia e conteúdo fóssil
W Souza-Lima, EJ Andrade, P Bengtson, PC Galm
Aracaju: Fundação Paleontológica Phoenix, 1-34, 2002
Stratigraphy and biogeographic affinities of the late Aptian–Campanian ostracods of the Potiguar and Sergipe basins in northeastern Brazil
MC Viviers, EAM Koutsoukos, AC da Silva-Telles Jr, P Bengtson
Cretaceous Research 21 (2-3), 407-455, 2000
Towards an integrated biostratigraphy of the upper Aptian-Maastrichtian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
EAM Koutsoukos, P Bengtson
Travaux et Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon 125 (1), 241-262, 1993
Cenomanian oysters from the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
J Seeling, P Bengtson
Cretaceous Research 20 (6), 747-765, 1999
The search for Eve
M Brown, W Henke, I Tattersall, B Sykes, R Foley, R Klein, C Panter-Brick, ...
Stratigraphy and evolution of the Cretaceous forearc Celica-Lancones basin of southwestern Ecuador
E Jaillard, G Laubacher, P Bengtson, AV Dhondt, LG Bulot
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1), 51-68, 1999
Lower Turonian Euramerican Inoceramidae: a morphologic, taxonomic, and biostratigraphic overview
PJ Harries, EG Kauffman, JS Crampton, P Bengtson, S Cech, JA Crame, ...
Mitteilungen aus dem geologisch-paläontologischen Institut der Universität …, 1996
Late Cretaceous marine transgressions in Ecuador and northern Peru: a refined stratigraphic framework
E Jaillard, P Bengtson, AV Dhondt
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19 (3), 307-323, 2005
The Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary marine to continental transition in the Bagua basin, northern Perú
T Mourier, P Bengtson, M Bonhomme, E Buge, H Cappetta, JY Crochet, ...
Newsletters on Stratigraphy 19 (3), 143-177, 1988
Stratigraphic correlation by microfacies of the Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
PY Berthou, P Bengtson
Stratigraphic correlation by microfacies of the Cenomanian-Coniacian of the …, 1988
Spinicaudatans from the Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation of the Songliao Basin, northeast China: taxonomy and biostratigraphy
G Li, X Wan, DJ Batten, P Bengtson, D Xi, P Wang
Cretaceous Research 30 (3), 687-698, 2009
Cretaceous transgressions in Nigeria and Sergipe-Alagoas (Brazil)
RA Reyment, P Bengtson, EA Tait
An. Acad. Brasil. Ciêncas 48, 253-264, 1976
Late Aptian (Cretaceous) paleoceanography of the South Atlantic Ocean inferred from dinocyst communities of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil
MA Carvalho, P Bengtson, CC Lana
Paleoceanography 31 (1), 2-26, 2016
Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary ostracodes from the Poty quarry, Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil
G Fauth, JP Colin, EAM Koutsoukos, P Bengtson
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19 (3), 285-305, 2005
Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the arc zone of southwestern Ecuador during Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary times
E Jaillard, M Ordoñez, G Berrones, P Bengtson, M Bonhomme, N Jimenez, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 9 (1-2), 131-140, 1996
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