George Ilhwan Park
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Zitiert von
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation for complex turbulent flows
ST Bose, GI Park
Annual review of fluid mechanics 50 (1), 535-561, 2018
An improved dynamic non-equilibrium wall-model for large eddy simulation
GI Park, P Moin
Physics of Fluids 26 (1), 2014
Log-layer mismatch and modeling of the fluctuating wall stress in wall-modeled large-eddy simulations
XIA Yang, GI Park, P Moin
Physical review fluids 2 (10), 104601, 2017
Large eddy simulation of aircraft at affordable cost: a milestone in computational fluid dynamics
KA Goc, O Lehmkuhl, GI Park, ST Bose, P Moin
Flow 1, E14, 2021
Constant-energetics physical-space forcing methods for improved convergence to homogeneous-isotropic turbulence with application to particle-laden flows
M Bassenne, J Urzay, GI Park, P Moin
Physics of Fluids 28 (3), 2016
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of a high Reynolds number separating and reattaching flow
GI Park
AIAA Journal 55 (11), 3709-3721, 2017
Space-time characteristics of wall-pressure and wall shear-stress fluctuations in wall-modeled large eddy simulation
GI Park, P Moin
Physical review fluids 1 (2), 024404, 2016
Non-equilibrium three-dimensional boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers
A Lozano-Durán, MG Giometto, GI Park, P Moin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, A20, 2020
Numerical aspects and implementation of a two-layer zonal wall model for LES of compressible turbulent flows on unstructured meshes
GI Park, P Moin
Journal of Computational Physics 305, 589-603, 2016
A simple dynamic subgrid-scale model for LES of particle-laden turbulence
GI Park, M Bassenne, J Urzay, P Moin
Physical Review Fluids 2 (4), 044301, 2017
Large-eddy simulation of practical aeronautical flows at stall conditions
O Lehmkuhl, GI Park, ST Bose, P Moin
Proceedings of the 2018 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research …, 2018
Boundary layer turbulence in transitional and developed states
GI Park, JM Wallace, X Wu, P Moin
Physics of Fluids 24 (3), 2012
DNS, LES, and wall-modeled LES of separating flow over periodic hills
P Balakumar, GI Park, B Pierce
Proceedings of the Summer Program, 407-415, 2014
DNS/LES simulations of separated flows at high Reynolds numbers
P Balakumar, GI Park
45th AIAA fluid dynamics conference, 2783, 2015
Wall-modeling in complex turbulent flows
P Moin, J Bodart, S Bose, GI Park
Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction: Updated contributions reflecting …, 2016
Characteristic regimes of subgrid-scale coupling in LES of particle-laden turbulent flows
J Urzay, M Bassenne, GI Park, P Moin
Proceedings of Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford …, 2014
LES of flow over the NASA common research model with near-wall modeling
O Lehmkuhl, G Park, P Moin
Center for Turbulence Research-Proceedings of the Summer Program, 335-341, 2016
Wall-modeled large eddy simulation of transonic flow over an axisymmetric bump with shock-induced separation
PS Iyer, GI Park, MR Malik
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3953, 2017
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of a separated flow over the NASA wall-mounted hump
GI Park
Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2015
Wall-modelled large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer in a bent square duct
X Hu, I Hayat, GI Park
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 960, A29, 2023
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