Pang-Ning Tan
Pang-Ning Tan
Professor of Computer Science, Michigan State University
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Introduction to Data Mining
PN Tan, M Steinbach, A Karpatne, V Kumar
Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2016
Web usage mining: Discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data
J Srivastava, R Cooley, M Deshpande, PN Tan
Acm Sigkdd Explorations Newsletter 1 (2), 12-23, 2000
Selecting the right interestingness measure for association patterns
PN Tan, V Kumar, J Srivastava
Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2002
Data mining cluster analysis: basic concepts and algorithms
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Introduction to data mining 487 (533), 58, 2013
Selecting the right objective measure for association analysis
PN Tan, V Kumar, J Srivastava
Information Systems 29 (4), 293-313, 2004
Discovery of web robot sessions based on their navigational patterns
N Zhong, J Liu, PN Tan, V Kumar
Intelligent Technologies for Information Analysis, 193-222, 2004
Data mining for network intrusion detection
P Dokas, L Ertoz, V Kumar, A Lazarevic, J Srivastava, PN Tan
Proc. NSF Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, 21-30, 2002
Minds-minnesota intrusion detection system
L Ertoz, E Eilertson, A Lazarevic, PN Tan, V Kumar, J Srivastava, P Dokas
Next generation data mining, 199-218, 2004
Interestingness measures for association patterns: A perspective
PN Tan, V Kumar
Multistep-ahead time series prediction
H Cheng, PN Tan, J Gao, J Scripps
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 10th Pacific-Asia …, 2006
Continental-scale comparisons of terrestrial carbon sinks estimated from satellite data and ecosystem modeling 1982–1998
C Potter, S Klooster, R Myneni, V Genovese, PN Tan, V Kumar
Global and Planetary Change 39 (3-4), 201-213, 2003
Classification: basic concepts, decision trees, and model evaluation
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Introduction to data mining 1, 145-205, 2006
Discovery of interesting usage patterns from web data
R Cooley, PN Tan, J Srivastava
International Workshop on Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling, 163-182, 1999
Hyperclique pattern discovery
H Xiong, PN Tan, V Kumar
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 13, 219-242, 2006
Cross‐scale interactions: quantifying multi‐scaled cause–effect relationships in macrosystems
PA Soranno, KS Cheruvelil, EG Bissell, MT Bremigan, JA Downing, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (1), 65-73, 2014
Mining strong affinity association patterns in data sets with skewed support distribution
H Xiong, PN Tan, V Kumar
third IEEE international conference on data mining, 387-394, 2003
Converting output scores from outlier detection algorithms into probability estimates
J Gao, PN Tan
Sixth International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'06), 212-221, 2006
Discovery of climate indices using clustering
M Steinbach, PN Tan, V Kumar, S Klooster, C Potter
Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2003
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
北京: 人民, 2006
Detection and characterization of anomalies in multivariate time series
H Cheng, PN Tan, C Potter, S Klooster
Proceedings of the 2009 SIAM international conference on data mining, 413-424, 2009
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