M. Iftekhar Tanveer
M. Iftekhar Tanveer
Sr. Research Scientist, Spotify
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UR-FUNNY: A Multimodal Language Dataset for Understanding Humor
MK Hasan, W Rahman, A Zadeh, J Zhong, MI Tanveer, LP Morency
2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2019
Automated analysis and prediction of job interview performance
I Naim, MI Tanveer, D Gildea, ME Hoque
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 9 (2), 191-204, 2016
Automated prediction and analysis of job interview performance: The role of what you say and how you say it
I Naim, MI Tanveer, D Gildea, ME Hoque
2015 11th IEEE international conference and workshops on automatic face and …, 2015
Rhema: A real-time in-situ intelligent interface to help people with public speaking
MI Tanveer, E Lin, M Hoque
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on intelligent user …, 2015
The effectiveness of pedagogical agents’ prompting and feedback in facilitating co-adapted learning with MetaTutor
R Azevedo, RS Landis, R Feyzi-Behnagh, M Duffy, G Trevors, JM Harley, ...
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 11th International Conference, ITS 2012 …, 2012
Automanner: An automated interface for making public speakers aware of their mannerisms
MI Tanveer, R Zhao, K Chen, Z Tiet, ME Hoque
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on intelligent user …, 2016
Awe the audience: How the narrative trajectories affect audience perception in public speaking
MI Tanveer, S Samrose, RA Baten, ME Hoque
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
Unsupervised Extraction of Human-Interpretable Nonverbal Behavioral Cues in a Public Speaking Scenario
MI Tanveer, J Liu, ME Hoque
ACM Multimedia, 2015
Do you see what I see? Designing a sensory substitution device to access non-verbal modes of communication
MI Tanveer, ASMI Anam, M Yeasin, M Khan
Proceedings of the 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2013
A google glass app to help the blind in small talk
MI Tanveer, ME Hoque
Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2014
FEPS: a sensory substitution system for the blind to perceive facial expressions
MI Tanveer, ASMI Anam, AKMM Rahman, S Ghosh, M Yeasin
Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2012
FairyTED: A Fair Rating Predictor for TED Talk Data
R Acharyya, S Das, A Chattoraj, MI Tanveer
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (01), 338-345, 2020
Visualization interface for voice input
F Ture, MI Tanveer
US Patent App. 16/041,405, 2020
IMAPS: A smart phone based real-time framework for prediction of affect in natural dyadic conversation
AKMM Rahman, MI Tanveer, AI Anam, M Yeasin
2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, 1-6, 2012
A spatio-temporal probabilistic framework for dividing and predicting facial action units
A Rahman, M Tanveer, M Yeasin
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 598-607, 2011
TREC 2021 Podcasts Track Overview.
J Karlgren, R Jones, B Carterette, A Clifton, E Tanaka, M Eskevich, ...
TREC, 2021
Spotify at the TREC 2020 Podcasts Track: Segment Retrieval.
Y Yu, J Karlgren, A Clifton, MI Tanveer, R Jones, HR Bonab
TREC, 2020
Unsupervised Speaker Diarization that is Agnostic to Language, Overlap-Aware, and Tuning Free
MI Tanveer, D Casabuena, J Karlgren, R Jones
Proc. Interspeech 2022, 1481--1485, 2022
Persistence Homology of TEDtalk: Do Sentence Embeddings Have a Topological Shape?
S Das, SA Haque, MI Tanveer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.14131, 2021
Intrinsic evaluation of bangla word embeddings
N Sadman, A Sadmanee, MI Tanveer, MA Amin, AA Ali
2019 International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing …, 2019
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