Colin Turnbull
Colin Turnbull
Professor of Plant Sciences, Imperial College London
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FT protein movement contributes to long-distance signaling in floral induction of Arabidopsis
L Corbesier, C Vincent, S Jang, F Fornara, Q Fan, I Searle, A Giakountis, ...
science 316 (5827), 1030-1033, 2007
CONSTANS acts in the phloem to regulate a systemic signal that induces photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis
H An, C Roussot, P Suárez-López, L Corbesier, C Vincent, M Piñeiro, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (15), 3615 …, 2004
MAX1 encodes a cytochrome P450 family member that acts downstream of MAX3/4 to produce a carotenoid-derived branch-inhibiting hormone
J Booker, T Sieberer, W Wright, L Williamson, B Willett, P Stirnberg, ...
Developmental cell 8 (3), 443-449, 2005
Plants in action: adaptation in nature, performance in cultivation
BJ Atwell
Macmillan Education AU, 1999
Arabidopsis systemic immunity uses conserved defense signaling pathways and is mediated by jasmonates
W Truman, MH Bennett, I Kubigsteltig, C Turnbull, M Grant
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 104 (3), 1075-1080, 2007
The pea TCP transcription factor PsBRC1 acts downstream of strigolactones to control shoot branching
N Braun, A de Saint Germain, JP Pillot, S Boutet-Mercey, M Dalmais, ...
Plant physiology 158 (1), 225-238, 2012
Micrografting techniques for testing long‐distance signalling in Arabidopsis
CGN Turnbull, JP Booker, HMO Leyser
The Plant Journal 32 (2), 255-262, 2002
An histidine covalent receptor and butenolide complex mediates strigolactone perception
A de Saint Germain, G Clavé, MA Badet-Denisot, JP Pillot, D Cornu, ...
Nature Chemical Biology 12 (10), 787-794, 2016
Regulation of Carotenoid Composition and Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis by a Chromatin Modifying Histone Methyltransferase, SDG8
CI Cazzonelli, AJ Cuttriss, SB Cossetto, W Pye, P Crisp, J Whelan, ...
The Plant Cell 21 (1), 39-53, 2009
Mutational Analysis of Branching in Pea. Evidence That Rms1 and Rms5 Regulate the Same Novel Signal
SE Morris, CGN Turnbull, IC Murfet, CA Beveridge
Plant Physiology 126 (3), 1205-1213, 2001
Auxin Inhibition of Decapitation-Induced Branching Is Dependent on Graft-Transmissible Signals Regulated by Genes Rms1 andRms2
CA Beveridge, GM Symons, CGN Turnbull
Plant Physiology 123 (2), 689-698, 2000
Long-distance signaling and the control of branching in the rms1 mutant of pea
E Foo, CGN Turnbull, CA Beveridge
Plant Physiology 126 (1), 203-209, 2001
Nitrate modulates stem cell dynamics in Arabidopsis shoot meristems through cytokinins
B Landrein, P Formosa-Jordan, A Malivert, C Schuster, CW Melnyk, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (6), 1382-1387, 2018
The influence of supra-optimal root-zone temperatures on growth and stomatal conductance in Capsicum annuum L.
IC Dodd, J He, CGN Turnbull, SK Lee, C Critchley
Journal of experimental botany 51 (343), 239-248, 2000
Cell-Type-Specific Cytokinin Distribution within the Arabidopsis Primary Root Apex
I Antoniadi, L Plačková, B Simonovik, K Doležal, C Turnbull, K Ljung, ...
The Plant Cell 27 (7), 1955-1967, 2015
Divergent metabolome and proteome suggest functional independence of dual phloem transport systems in cucurbits
B Zhang, V Tolstikov, C Turnbull, LM Hicks, O Fiehn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (30), 13532-13537, 2010
Long-distance regulation of flowering time
C Turnbull
Journal of experimental botany 62 (13), 4399-4413, 2011
Rapid increases in cytokinin concentration in lateral buds of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) during release of apical dominance
CGN Turnbull, MAA Raymond, IC Dodd, SE Morris
Planta 202, 271-276, 1997
A fluorescent hormone biosensor reveals the dynamics of jasmonate signalling in plants
A Larrieu, A Champion, J Legrand, J Lavenus, D Mast, G Brunoud, J Oh, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6043, 2015
Arabidopsis auxin mutants are compromised in systemic acquired resistance and exhibit aberrant accumulation of various indolic compounds
WM Truman, MH Bennett, CGN Turnbull, MR Grant
Plant physiology 152 (3), 1562-1573, 2010
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