Younbo Jung
Younbo Jung
Associate Professor of Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological
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Are physically embodied social agents better than disembodied social agents?: The effects of physical embodiment, tactile interaction, and people's loneliness in human–robot …
KM Lee, Y Jung, J Kim, SR Kim
International journal of human-computer studies 64 (10), 962-973, 2006
When stereotypes meet robots: the double-edge sword of robot gender and personality in human–robot interaction
B Tay, Y Jung, T Park
Computers in Human Behavior 38, 75-84, 2014
Games for a better life: effects of playing Wii games on the well-being of seniors in a long-term care facility
Y Jung, KJ Li, NS Janissa, WLC Gladys, KM Lee
Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Conference on Interactive …, 2009
Effects of physical embodiment on social presence of social robots
Y Jung, KM Lee
Proceedings of PRESENCE 2004, 80-87, 2004
Low-income minority seniors' enrollment in a cybercafé: psychological barriers to crossing the digital divide
Y Jung, W Peng, M Moran, SAA Jin, M McLaughlin, M Cody, ...
Educational gerontology 36 (3), 193-212, 2010
Why do people post and read personal messages in public? The motivation of using personal blogs and its effects on users’ loneliness, belonging, and well-being
Y Jung, H Song, P Vorderer
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (5), 1626-1633, 2012
Let’s play together: Effects of video-game play on intergenerational perceptions among youth and elderly participants
PH Chua, Y Jung, MO Lwin, YL Theng
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2303-2311, 2013
Intervention to enhance skilled arm and hand movements after stroke: A feasibility study using a new virtual reality system
JC Stewart, SC Yeh, Y Jung, H Yoon, M Whitford, SY Chen, L Li, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 4 (1), 1-6, 2007
Wii, myself, and size: The influence of proteus effect and stereotype threat on overweight children's exercise motivation and behavior in exergames
BJ Li, MO Lwin, Y Jung
GAMES FOR HEALTH: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications 3 (1), 40-48, 2014
Intention to upload video content on the internet: The role of social norms and ego-involvement
N Park, Y Jung, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (5), 1996-2004, 2011
Anti-smoking educational game using avatars as visualized possible selves
H Song, J Kim, RJ Kwon, Y Jung
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (5), 2029-2036, 2013
When stereotypes meet robots: The effect of gender stereotypes on people’s acceptance of a security robot
BTC Tay, T Park, Y Jung, YK Tan, AHY Wong
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Understanding Human …, 2013
Tailoring virtual reality technology for stroke rehabilitation: a human factors design
Y Jung, SC Yeh, J Stewart
CHI'06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 929-934, 2006
What determines video game use?
T Hartmann, Y Jung, P Vorderer
Journal of media psychology, 2012
The effects of familiarity and robot gesture on user acceptance of information
A Kim, J Han, Y Jung, K Lee
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
Politician's strategic impression management on Instagram
Y Jung, A Tay, T Hong, J Ho, YH Goh
Haptics-enhanced virtual environments for stroke rehabilitation
M McLaughlin, A Rizzo, Y Jung, W Peng, S Yeh, W Zhu
Proc. IPSI, 2005
Attention to eSports advertisement: effects of ad animation and in-game dynamics on viewers’ visual attention
Y Seo, M Kim, D Lee, Y Jung
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (12), 1194-1202, 2018
Avatar face recognition and self-presence
Y Seo, M Kim, Y Jung, D Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 69, 120-127, 2017
An integrated system: virtual reality, haptics and modern sensing technique (VHS) for post-stroke rehabilitation
SC Yeh, A Rizzo, W Zhu, J Stewart, M McLaughlin, I Cohen, Y Jung, ...
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2005
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