Bryan Vincent
Bryan Vincent
Docteur en Biologie - Interactions plantes-microorganismes
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Insight into the truffle brûlé: tripartite interactions between the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), holm oak (Quercus ilex) and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants
E Taschen, M Sauve, B Vincent, J Parladé, D van Tuinen, ...
Plant and Soil 446, 577-594, 2020
Anchoring the species Rhizophagus intraradices (formerly Glomus intraradices)
C Walker, A Schüßler, B Vincent, S Cranenbrouck, S Declerck
Fungal systematics and evolution 8 (1), 179-197, 2021
Ectomycorrhizal Communities Associated with the Legume Acacia spirorbis Growing on Contrasted Edaphic Constraints in New Caledonia
A Houles, B Vincent, M David, M Ducousso, A Galiana, F Juillot, ...
Microbial Ecology 76, 964-975, 2018
Biological in situ nitrogen fixation by an Acacia species reaches optimal rates on extremely contrasted soils
B Vincent, P Jourand, F Juillot, M Ducousso, A Galiana
European Journal of Soil Biology 86, 52-62, 2018
Ectomycorrhizal fungi and trees: brothers in arms in the face of anthropogenic activities and their consequences
B Vincent, S Declerck
Symbiosis 84 (3), 337-351, 2021
A leguminous species exploiting alpha- and beta-rhizobia for adaptation to ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils: an endemic Acacia spirorbis model from New …
B Vincent, F Juillot, E Fritsch, A Klonowska, N Gerbert, S Acherar, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95 (8), fiz099, 2019
Microplastics in the insular marine environment of the Southwest Indian Ocean carry a microbiome including antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria: A case study from Reunion Island
L Sababadichetty, G Miltgen, B Vincent, F Guilhaumon, V Lenoble, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 198, 115911, 2024
Simulated precipitation in a desert ecosystem reveals specific response of rhizosphere to water and a symbiont response in freshly emitted roots
K Maurice, A Bourceret, A Robin-Soriano, B Vincent, H Boukcim, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 199, 105412, 2024
Concentrations, Sources and Human Health Risk Assessment of 12 Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in the Urban Soils of Baraki, Algiers (Algeria) with …
R Benlaribi, S Schramm, B Vincent, S Djebbar, F Aubriet
Analytical Letters 53 (15), 2379-2399, 2020
Digging deeper into the impacts of different soil water systems on the date palm root architecture and associated fungal communities
A Robin-Soriano, B Vincent, K Maurice, V Battesti, H Boukcim, ...
Symbiosis, 1-18, 2025
Ecological aspects and relationships of the emblematic Vachellia spp. exposed to anthropic pressures and parasitism in natural hyper-arid ecosystems …
B Vincent, J Bourillon, K Gotty, H Boukcim, MA Selosse, A Cambou, ...
Planta 259 (6), 132, 2024
The Nurse Plant Acacia spirorbis Enriches Ectomycorrhizal Community Composition of a Target Species: Tristaniopsis calobuxus
A Houlès, K Gotty, F Joussemet, B Vincent, L Hannibal, M Patrois, ...
Diversity 14 (2), 107, 2022
Absence of Gigasporales and rarity of spores in a hot desert revealed by a multimethod approach
A Robin-Soriano, K Maurice, S Boivin, A Bourceret, L Laurent-Webb, ...
Mycorrhiza 34 (4), 251-270, 2024
Contribution de la symbiose fixatrice d'azote dans l'adaptation d'une légumineuse à des sols contrastés: le modèle Acacia spirorbis et les contraintes édaphiques extrêmes …
B Vincent
Université Montpellier, 2018
A multimethod approach to assess arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in a hot arid and hyperalkaline region
A Robin-Soriano, K Maurice, S Boivin, A Bourceret, L Laurent-Webb, ...
Respective and combined roles of rhizobia and ectomycorrhizal fungi in the plant growth, symbiotic efficiency, nutrients and metals contents of a leguminous tree species …
B Vincent, L Hannibal, A Galiana, M Ducousso, P Jourand
Symbiosis 87 (2), 77-91, 2022
Impact de l'introduction de légumineuses ligneuses sur l'apport d'azote fixé d'origine symbiotique au sein des systèmes bananiers
M Coulis, M Sauvadet, A Prochasson, C Julan, B Vincent, A Bâ, A Galiana
ISRA, 2022
Contribution de la symbiose fixatrice d’azote dans l’adaptation d’une légumineuse à des sols contrastés: le modèle Acacia spirorbis et les contraintes édaphiques extrêmes …
B Vincent
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 341, 87-88, 2019
Correction to: Ecological aspects and relationships of the emblematic Vachellia spp. exposed to anthropic pressures and parasitism in natural hyper-arid ecosystems …
B Vincent, J Bourillon, K Gotty, H Boukcim, MA Selosse, A Cambou, ...
Planta 259 (6), 154, 2024
Diversité et partage des communautés mycorhiziennes au sein de bananeraies soumises à différentes pratiques agronomiques en Martinique
C Julan, B Vincent, M Coulis, L Hannibal, A Bâ, A Galiana
ISRA, 2022
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