Subhash Kashyap
Subhash Kashyap
Former Professor, IIT Delhi
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Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of NiCuZn ferrite grown by citrate precursor method
MC Dimri, A Verma, SC Kashyap, DC Dube, OP Thakur, C Prakash
Materials Science and Engineering: B 133 (1-3), 42-48, 2006
Microstructural, dielectric and magnetic behavior of spin-deposited nanocrystalline nickel–zinc ferrite thin films for microwave applications
N Gupta, A Verma, SC Kashyap, DC Dube
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 308 (1), 137-142, 2007
Micro Raman, Mossbauer and magnetic studies of manganese substituted zinc ferrite nanoparticles: role of Mn
S Thota, SC Kashyap, SK Sharma, VR Reddy
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 91, 136-144, 2016
Room temperature ferromagnetism in Mn doped TiO2 thin films: electronic structure and Raman investigations
S Sharma, S Chaudhary, SC Kashyap, SK Sharma
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (8), 2011
Electrical and magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite nanoparticles prepared by citrate precursor method
MC Dimri, SC Kashyap, DC Dube
Ceramics international 30 (7), 1623-1626, 2004
Cation distribution in nanocrystalline cobalt substituted nickel ferrites: X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic investigations
B Nandan, MC Bhatnagar, SC Kashyap
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 129, 298-306, 2019
High temperature ferromagnetism in Mn-doped SnO2 nanocrystalline thin films
K Gopinadhan, SC Kashyap, DK Pandya, S Chaudhary
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (11), 2007
Development of Ni–Zn nanoferrite core material with improved saturation magnetization and DC resistivity
AM Kumar, MC Varma, CL Dube, KH Rao, SC Kashyap
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (14), 1995-2000, 2008
Processing and properties of cobalt-substituted lithium ferrite in the GHz frequency range
N Gupta, MC Dimri, SC Kashyap, DC Dube
ceramics international 31 (1), 171-176, 2005
Cation distribution in Ni-substituted Mn0. 5Zn0. 5Fe2O4 nanoparticles: a Raman, Mössbauer, X-ray diffraction and electron spectroscopy study
S Thota, SC Kashyap, SK Sharma, VR Reddy
Materials Science and Engineering: B 206, 69-78, 2016
Growth ambient dependence of defects, structural disorder and photoluminescence in SnO2 films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
S Bansal, DK Pandya, SC Kashyap, D Haranath
Journal of alloys and compounds 583, 186-190, 2014
Dielectric behavior of spin-deposited nanocrystalline nickel–zinc ferrite thin films processed by citrate-route
N Gupta, A Verma, SC Kashyap, DC Dube
Solid State Communications 134 (10), 689-694, 2005
On the room-temperature ferromagnetism in (ZnO) 0.98 (MnO2) 0.02
KP Bhatti, S Chaudhary, DK Pandya, SC Kashyap
Solid state communications 136 (7), 384-388, 2005
Cobalt-substituted SnO2 thin films: A transparent ferromagnetic semiconductor
K Gopinadhan, DK Pandya, SC Kashyap, S Chaudhary
Journal of applied physics 99 (12), 2006
Preparation of Cu-Co alloy thin films on n-Si by galvanostatic DC electrodeposition
GR Pattanaik, DK Pandya, SC Kashyap
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 149 (7), C363, 2002
Observation of room temperature ferromagnetism in nanocrystalline ZnO: Co system
KP Bhatti, S Kundu, S Chaudhary, SC Kashyap, DK Pandya
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (23), 4909, 2006
Complex Permittivity and Permeability of CoU (BaCoFeO) Hexaferrite Bulk and Composite Thick Films at Radio and Microwave Frequencies
MC Dimri, SC Kashyap, DC Dube
IEEE transactions on magnetics 42 (11), 3635-3640, 2006
Effect of Mg–Zr substitution and microwave processing on magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite
M Sharma, SC Kashyap, HC Gupta
Physica B: Condensed Matter 448, 24-28, 2014
Intrinsic and extrinsic origin of room temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO: Co (5at.%)
KP Bhatti, S Chaudhary, DK Pandya, SC Kashyap
Journal of applied physics 101 (10), 2007
Structure and transport properties of amorphous Ge1− xCx: H thin films obtained by activated reactive evaporation
S Kumar, SC Kashyap, KL Chopra
Journal of non-crystalline solids 101 (2-3), 287-290, 1988
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