Boris Galperin
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Zitiert von
A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows
B Galperin, LH Kantha, A Rosati, S Hassid
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 45 (1), 55-62, 1988
Application of a new spectral theory of stably stratified turbulence to the atmospheric boundary layer over sea ice
S Sukoriansky, B Galperin, V Perov
Boundary-layer meteorology 117, 231-257, 2005
Large eddy simulation of complex engineering and geophysical flows
B Galperin, SA Orszag
Cambridge University Press, 1993
On the critical Richardson number in stably stratified turbulence
B Galperin, S Sukoriansky, PS Anderson
Atmospheric Science Letters 8 (3), 65-69, 2007
Mean dynamic topography of the ocean derived from satellite and drifting buoy data using three different techniques
N Maximenko, P Niiler, L Centurioni, MH Rio, O Melnichenko, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 26 (9), 1910-1919, 2009
The Martian atmospheric boundary layer
A Petrosyan, B Galperin, SE Larsen, SR Lewis, A Määttänen, PL Read, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (3), 2011
Review of wave‐turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
J Sun, CJ Nappo, L Mahrt, D Belušić, B Grisogono, DR Stauffer, M Pulido, ...
Reviews of geophysics 53 (3), 956-993, 2015
On the arrest of inverse energy cascade and the Rhines scale
S Sukoriansky, N Dikovskaya, B Galperin
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 64 (9), 3312-3327, 2007
Modelling oyster population response to variation in freshwater input
RJ Livingston, FG Lewis, GC Woodsum, XF Niu, B Galperin, W Huang, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50 (5), 655-672, 2000
A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of the Delaware Bay and River system. Part 1: Description of the model and tidal analysis
B Galperin, GL Mellor
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 31 (3), 231-253, 1990
Modeling vertical structure of open-channel flows
AF Blumberg, B Galperin, DJ O'Connor
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 118 (8), 1119-1134, 1992
A quasi-normal scale elimination model of turbulence and its application to stably stratified flows
S Sukoriansky, B Galperin, V Perov
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 13 (1), 9-22, 2006
The ubiquitous zonal jets in the atmospheres of giant planets and Earth's oceans
B Galperin, H Nakano, HP Huang, S Sukoriansky
Geophysical research letters 31 (13), 2004
Anisotropic turbulence and zonal jets in rotating flows with a β-effect
B Galperin, S Sukoriansky, N Dikovskaya, PL Read, YH Yamazaki, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 13 (1), 83-98, 2006
Anisotropic spectra in two-dimensional turbulence on the surface of a rotating sphere
HP Huang, B Galperin, S Sukoriansky
Physics of Fluids 13 (1), 225-240, 2001
The effect of small-scale forcing on large-scale structures in two-dimensional flows
A Chekhlov, SA Orszag, S Sukoriansky, B Galperin, I Staroselsky
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 98 (2-4), 321-334, 1996
A quasinormal scale elimination model of turbulent flows with stable stratification
S Sukoriansky, B Galperin, I Staroselsky
Physics of fluids 17 (8), 2005
Geophysical flows with anisotropic turbulence and dispersive waves: flows with a β-effect
B Galperin, S Sukoriansky, N Dikovskaya
Ocean Dynamics 60, 427-441, 2010
Zonal jets: Phenomenology, genesis, and physics
B Galperin, PL Read
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Universal Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere<? format?> and Some Basic Features of Atmospheric Circulation on Giant Planets
S Sukoriansky, B Galperin, N Dikovskaya
Physical review letters 89 (12), 124501, 2002
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