Stephanie H. Stack
Stephanie H. Stack
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Modelling whale-vessel encounters: the role of speed in mitigating collisions with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
JJ Currie, SH Stack, GD Kaufman
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 17, 57-63, 2017
The impact of vessels on humpback whale behavior: The benefit of added whale watching guidelines
JJ Currie, JA McCordic, GL Olson, AF Machernis, SH Stack
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 601433, 2021
Conservation and education through ecotourism: Using citizen science to monitor cetaceans in the four-island region of Maui, Hawaii
JJ Currie, SH Stack, GD Kaufman
Tourism in Marine Environments 13 (2-3), 65-71, 2018
Quantifying the risk that marine debris poses to cetaceans in coastal waters of the 4-island region of Maui
JJ Currie, SH Stack, JA McCordic, GD Kaufman
Marine Pollution Bulletin 121 (1-2), 69-77, 2017
High-resolution projections of global sea surface temperatures reveal critical warming in humpback whale breeding grounds
H von Hammerstein, RO Setter, M van Aswegen, JJ Currie, SH Stack
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 837772, 2022
Rapid weight loss in free ranging pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) and the implications for anthropogenic disturbance of odontocetes
JJ Currie, M van Aswegen, SH Stack, KL West, F Vivier, L Bejder
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8181, 2021
Bellwethers of change: population modelling of North Pacific humpback whales from 2002 through 2021 reveals shift from recovery to climate response
T Cheeseman, J Barlow, JM Acebes, K Audley, L Bejder, C Birdsall, ...
Royal Society Open Science 11 (2), 231462, 2024
Utilizing occupancy models and platforms-of-opportunity to assess area use of mother-calf humpback whales
JJ Currie, SH Stack, JA McCordic, J Roberts
Open Journal of Marine Science 8 (02), 276, 2018
Mark-recapture estimates suggest declines in abundance of common bottlenose dolphin stocks in the main Hawaiian Islands
AM Van Cise, RW Baird, AE Harnish, JJ Currie, SH Stack, T Cullins, ...
Endangered Species Research 45, 37-53, 2021
Identifying spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris longirostris movement and behavioral patterns to inform conservation strategies in Maui Nui, Hawai ‘i
SH Stack, GL Olson, V Neamtu, AF Machernis, RW Baird, JJ Currie
Marine Ecology Progress Series 644, 187-197, 2020
A deep learning approach to photo–identification demonstrates high performance on two dozen cetacean species
PT Patton, T Cheeseman, K Abe, T Yamaguchi, W Reade, K Southerland, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 14 (10), 2611-2625, 2023
Peromyscus maniculatus, a Possible Reservoir Host of Borrelia garinii from the Gannet Islands Off Newfoundland and Labrador
EM Baggs, SH Stack, JR Finney-Crawley, NPP Simon
Journal of Parasitology 97 (5), 792-794, 2011
A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset
T Cheeseman, K Southerland, JM Acebes, K Audley, J Barlow, L Bejder, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 10237, 2023
External Scarring as an Indicator of Fisheries Interactions with Bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and Pantropical Spotted (Stenella attenuata) Dolphins in Maui Nui, Hawai‘i
JJC A.F. Machernis, S.H. Stack, G.L.Olson, F.A. Sullivan
Aquatic Mammals 47 (5), 482-498, 2021
Nearshore sea surface macro marine debris in Maui County, Hawaii: Distribution, drivers, and polymer composition
JJ Currie, SH Stack, KC Brignac, JM Lynch
Marine Pollution Bulletin 138, 70-83, 2019
Getting butts off the beach: Policy alone is not effective at reducing cigarette filter litter on beaches in Maui, Hawai'i
JJ Currie, SH Stack
Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 112937, 2021
Distribution patterns of east Australian humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hervey Bay, Queensland: a historical perspective
SH Stack, JJ Currie, JA McCordic, AF Machernis, GL Olson
Australian Mammalogy 42 (1), 16-27, 2019
Incidence of Odontocetes with Dorsal Fin Collapse in Maui Nui, Hawaii.
SH Stack, JJ Currie, JA McCordic, GL Olson
Aquatic Mammals 45 (3), 2019
Preliminary results from line transect surveys utilizing surprise encounters and near-misses as proxies of vessels collisions with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in …
SH Stack, JJ Currie, EH Davidson, D Frey, D Maldini, E Martinez, ...
Paper SC/65a/WW04 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, 3-15, 2013
The Behavioural Impacts of Commercial Swimming With Whale Tours on Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hervey Bay, Australia
SH Stack, KR Sprogis, GL Olson, FA Sullivan, AF Machernis, JJ Currie
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 696136, 2021
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