Blandina Robert Lugendo
Blandina Robert Lugendo
Sonstige NamenBlandina Lugendo Mattaka
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology, University of Dar es Salaam
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The importance of mangroves, mud and sand flats, and seagrass beds as feeding areas for juvenile fishes in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar: gut content and stable isotope analyses
BR Lugendo, I Nagelkerken, G Van der Velde, YD Mgaya
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (6), 1639-1661, 2006
Relative importance of mangroves as feeding habitats for fishes: a comparison between mangrove habitats with different settings
BR Lugendo, I Nagelkerken, G Kruitwagen, G Van Der Velde, YD Mgaya
Bulletin of Marine Science 80 (3), 497-512, 2007
Habitat utilisation by juveniles of commercially important fish species in a marine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania
BR Lugendo, A Pronker, I Cornelissen, A De Groene, I Nagelkerken, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 18 (2), 149-158, 2005
Importance of different carbon sources for macroinvertebrates and fishes of an interlinked mangrove–mudflat ecosystem (Tanzania)
G Kruitwagen, I Nagelkerken, BR Lugendo, YD Mgaya, SEW Bonga
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (4), 464-472, 2010
Spatial and temporal variation in fish community structure of a marine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania
BR Lugendo, A De Groene, I Cornelissen, A Pronker, I Nagelkerken, ...
Hydrobiologia 586, 1-16, 2007
Fish community composition of a tropical nonestuarine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania
BR Lugendo, I Nagelkerken, N Jiddawi, YD Mgaya, G Van Der Velde
Fisheries Science 73, 1213-1223, 2007
Influence of morphology and amphibious life‐style on the feeding ecology of the mudskipper Periophthalmus argentilineatus
G Kruitwagen, I Nagelkerken, BR Lugendo, HB Pratap, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (1), 39-52, 2007
Mangroves of Tanzania
MM Mangora, BR Lugendo, MS Shalli, S Semesi
Mangroves of the Western Indian Ocean: status and management, 33-49, 2016
The seagrass and associated macroalgae at selected beaches along Dar es Salaam coast
BRLYD Mgaya, AK Semesi
Mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass beds
B Lugendo
UN, 2016
Small estuarine and non-estuarine mangrove ecosystems of Tanzania: overlooked coastal habitats?
IA Kimirei, MM Igulu, M Semba, BR Lugendo
Estuaries: A Lifeline of Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean, 209-226, 2016
Biological connectivity and nursery function of shallow-water habitats in Chwaka Bay
M Gullström, M Dorenbosch, BR Lugendo, AW Mwandya, YD Mgaya, ...
People Nature and research in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 175-192, 2012
Utilisation by fishes of shallow-water habitats including mangroves and seagrass beds along the Tanzanian coast
B Lugendo
Nijmegen: sn, 2007
A field experiment exploring disturbance‐and‐recovery, and restoration methodology of Zostera capensis to support its role as a coastal protector
M Amone‐Mabuto, J Hollander, B Lugendo, JB Adams, S Bandeira
Nordic Journal of Botany 2023 (1), e03632, 2023
Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution in mangrove ecosystems along Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo coasts in Tanzania
BR Lugendo, IA Kimirei
Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112415, 2021
Coastal community’s perceptions on the role of seagrass ecosystems for coastal protection and implications for management
M Amone-Mabuto, M Mubai, S Bandeira, MS Shalli, JB Adams, ...
Ocean & coastal management 244, 106811, 2023
Seagrass restoration in a high-energy environment in the Western Indian Ocean
J Wegoro, S Pamba, R George, Y Shaghude, J Hollander, B Lugendo
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 278, 108119, 2022
Reproductive potential of the mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier, 1833) in the coastal waters of Tanzania
JS Sululu, BR Lugendo, BL Benno
Tanzania Journal of Science 48 (1), 88-98, 2022
Effect of seagrass cover loss on seawater carbonate chemistry: Implications for the potential of seagrass meadows to mitigate ocean acidification
S Job, B Sekadende, G Yona, R George, BR Lugendo, IA Kimirei
Regional Studies in Marine Science 60, 102816, 2023
Tidal cycle and time of day control pH levels in coastal habitats of the western Indian Ocean: the case of Mnazi and Chwaka Bays in Tanzania
R George, BR Lugendo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 21 (2), 141-150, 2022
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