Juan Enciso
Juan Enciso
Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University System
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Yield components as indicators of drought tolerance of sugarcane
MA Silva, JAG Silva, J Enciso, V Sharma, J Jifon
Scientia Agricola 65, 620-627, 2008
Digital terrain models generated with low-cost UAV photogrammetry: Methodology and accuracy
SI Jiménez-Jiménez, W Ojeda-Bustamante, MJ Marcial-Pablo, J Enciso
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (5), 285, 2021
Onion yield and quality response to two irrigation scheduling strategies
J Enciso, B Wiedenfeld, J Jifon, S Nelson
Scientia horticulturae 120 (3), 301-305, 2009
Sugarcane responses to irrigation and nitrogen in semiarid south Texas
B Wiedenfeld, J Enciso
Agronomy Journal 100 (3), 665-671, 2008
Subsurface drip irrigation of onions: Effects of drip tape emitter spacing on yield and quality
J Enciso, J Jifon, B Wiedenfeld
Agricultural water management 92 (3), 126-130, 2007
Subsurface drip irrigation: Status of the technology in 2010
FR Lamm, JP Bordovsky, LJ Schwankl, GL Grabow, J Enciso-Medina, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 55 (2), 483-491, 2012
Economic analysis of subsurface drip irrigation lateral spacing and installation depth for cotton
JM Enciso, PD Colaizzi, WL Multer
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (1), 197-204, 2005
Effects of treated urban wastewater irrigation on bioenergy sorghum and soil quality
VN Chaganti, G Ganjegunte, G Niu, A Ulery, R Flynn, JM Enciso, MN Meki, ...
Agricultural Water Management 228, 105894, 2020
Validation of agronomic UAV and field measurements for tomato varieties
J Enciso, CA Avila, J Jung, S Elsayed-Farag, A Chang, J Yeom, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 158, 278-283, 2019
Productivity of onions using subsurface drip irrigation versus furrow irrigation systems with an internet based irrigation scheduling program
J Enciso, J Jifon, J Anciso, L Ribera
International Journal of Agronomy 2015 (1), 178180, 2015
The transport of waterborne solutes and bacteriophage in soil subirrigated with a wastewater blend.
JIWL 21. Assadian N.W., G.D. Di Giovanni, J. Enciso
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 111 (1-4), 279-291, 2005
Infiltration model for furrow irrigation
J Enciso-Medina, D Martin, D Eisenhauer
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 124 (2), 73-80, 1998
Cotton response to subsurface drip irrigation frequency under deficit irrigation
JM Enciso, BL Unruh, PD Colaizzi, WL Multer
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19 (5), 555, 2003
Management, maintenance, and water quality effects on the long-term performance of subsurface drip irrigation systems
J Enciso-Medina, WL Multer, FR Lamm
Applied engineering in agriculture 27 (6), 969-978, 2011
Yield, water use efficiency and economic analysis of energy sorghum in South Texas
J Enciso, J Jifon, L Ribera, SD Zapata, GK Ganjegunte
Biomass and Bioenergy 81, 339-344, 2015
Detecting volunteer cotton plants in a corn field with deep learning on UAV remote-sensing imagery
PK Yadav, JA Thomasson, R Hardin, SW Searcy, U Braga-Neto, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 204, 107551, 2023
Unmanned aircraft system‐(UAS‐) based high‐throughput phenotyping (HTP) for tomato yield estimation
A Chang, J Jung, J Yeom, MM Maeda, JA Landivar, JM Enciso, CA Avila, ...
Journal of Sensors 2021 (1), 8875606, 2021
Quantifying citrus tree health using true color UAV images
BN Garza, V Ancona, J Enciso, HL Perotto-Baldivieso, M Kunta, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (1), 170, 2020
Application of partial rootzone drying to improve irrigation water use efficiency in grapefruit trees
A Kusakabe, BA Contreras-Barragan, CR Simpson, JM Enciso, ...
Agricultural Water Management 178, 66-75, 2016
Uso de sensores de humedad del suelo para eficientizar el riego
JM Enciso, D Porter, X Périès
University of Texas System, Austin, TX, 2007
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