Katsuhiko Tanaka
Katsuhiko Tanaka
Department of Marine Biology, Tokai University
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Distribution of drifting seaweeds in eastern East China Sea
T Komatsu, K Tatsukawa, JB Filippi, T Sagawa, D Matsunaga, A Mikami, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 67 (3), 245-252, 2007
Abundance of drifting seaweeds in eastern East China Sea
T Komatsu, D Matsunaga, A Mikami, T Sagawa, E Boisnier, K Tatsukawa, ...
Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium, 351-359, 2009
Life history of gnathiid isopods-current knowledge and future directions
K Tanaka
Plankton and Benthos Research 2 (1), 1-11, 2007
Hydroides dianthus (Polychaeta: Serpulidae), an alien species introduced into Tokyo Bay, Japan
H Link, E Nishi, K Tanaka, R Bastida-Zavala, EK Kupriyanova, T Yamakita
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e87, 2009
Species richness and community structure of benthic macrofauna and megafauna in the deep‐sea chemosynthetic ecosystems around the Japanese archipelago: an attempt to identify …
R Nakajima, T Yamakita, H Watanabe, K Fujikura, K Tanaka, ...
Diversity and Distributions, 2014
Growth dynamics and mortality of the intertidal encrusting sponge Halichondria okadai (Demospongiae, Halichondrida)
K Tanaka
Marine Biology 140 (2), 383-389, 2002
Third-stage larva shifts host fish from teleost to elasmobranch in the temporary parasitic isopod, Gnathia trimaculata (Crustacea; Gnathiidae)
Y Ota, O Hoshino, M Hirose, K Tanaka, E Hirose
Marine biology 159 (10), 2333-2347, 2012
Crustacean infauna of the demosponge Halichondria okadai (Kadota) with reference to the life cycle of Gnathia sp.(Isopoda: Gnathiidea)
K Tanaka, M Aoki
Sponge science: multidisciplinary perspectives. Springer, Tokyo, 259-267, 1998
Habitat use by the gnathiid isopod Elaphognathia discolor living in terebellid polychaete tubes
K Tanaka, E Nishi
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 88 (01), 57-63, 2008
Identification of important marine areas around the Japanese Archipelago: Establishment of a protocol for evaluating a broad area using ecologically and biologically …
T Yamakita, H Yamamoto, M Nakaoka, H Yamano, K Fujikura, K Hidaka, ...
Marine Policy 51, 136-147, 2015
Seasonal traits of reproduction in a gnathiid isopod Elaphognathia cornigera (Nunomura, 1992)
K Tanaka, M Aoki
Zoological Science 17 (4), 467-475, 2000
A new species of Gnathia (Isopoda: Cymothoida: Gnathiidae) from Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, southwestern Japan
K Tanaka
Crustacean research, 51-60, 2004
Population dynamics of the sponge-dwelling gnathiid isopod Elaphognathia cornigera
K Tanaka
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 83 (01), 95-102, 2003
Spatial distribution patterns of the sponge-dwelling gnathiid isopod Elaphognathia cornigera (Nunomura) on an intertidal rocky shore of the Izu Peninsula, southern Japan
K Tanaka, M Aoki
Crustacean research, 160-167, 1999
A new species of Gnathia (Isopoda: Cymothoida: Gnathiidae) from Okinawajima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, southwestern Japan
Y Ota, K Tanaka, E Hirose
Zoological science 24 (12), 1266-1277, 2007
A new genus and species of gnathiid isopod (Isopoda, Gnathiidae) from the Ryukyus, southwestern Japan
K Tanaka
Journal of Crustacean Biology 25 (4), 565-569, 2005
A new method for estimating the area of the seafloor from oblique images taken by deep-sea submersible survey platforms
R Nakajima, T Komuku, T Yamakita, DJ Lindsay, Y Jintsu-Uchifune, ...
Dialychone, Jasmineira and Paradialychone (Annelida: Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from Japan and adjacent waters, including four new species descriptions
E Nishi, K Tanaka, M Ana Tovar-Hernandez, A Giangrande
Zootaxa, 1-24, 2009
Reinstatement of Sigambra hanaokai (Kitamori, 1960)(Polychaeta, Pilargidae), with an overview of the literature on the genus
E Nishi, K Tanaka, Y Fujioka, M Sato
Zootaxa 1653, 57-68, 2007
Male dimorphism in the harem-forming gnathiid isopod Elaphognathia discolor (Crustacea: Isopoda)
K Tanaka, E Nishi
Zoological science 28 (8), 587-592, 2011
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