Wan-Chi Siu
Wan-Chi Siu
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Single image super-resolution using Gaussian process regression
H He, WC Siu
CVPR 2011, 449-456, 2011
Lightening network for low-light image enhancement
LW Wang, ZS Liu, WC Siu, DPK Lun
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 7984-7996, 2020
An efficient algorithm for human face detection and facial feature extraction under different conditions
KW Wong, KM Lam, WC Siu
Pattern recognition 34 (10), 1993-2004, 2001
Ntire 2020 challenge on real-world image super-resolution: Methods and results
A Lugmayr, M Danelljan, R Timofte
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
A technique for extracting physiological parameters and the required input function simultaneously from PET image measurements: theory and simulation study
D Feng, KP Wong, CM Wu, WC Siu
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 1 (4), 243-254, 1997
Multimedia information retrieval and management: Technological fundamentals and applications
D Feng, WC Siu, HJ Zhang
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Extraction of the Euclidean skeleton based on a connectivity criterion
WP Choi, KM Lam, WC Siu
Pattern Recognition 36 (3), 721-729, 2003
Improved techniques for automatic image segmentation
H Gao, WC Siu, CH Hou
IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 11 (12), 1273 …, 2001
New adaptive pixel decimation for block motion vector estimation
YL Chan, WC Siu
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 6 (1), 113-118, 1996
Review of image interpolation and super-resolution
WC Siu, KW Hung
Proceedings of The 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing …, 2012
Robust soft-decision interpolation using weighted least squares
KW Hung, WC Siu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (3), 1061-1069, 2011
Modified edge-directed interpolation for images
WS Tam, CW Kok, WC Siu
Journal of Electronic imaging 19 (1), 013011-013011-20, 2010
Denoising by singularity detection
TC Hsung, DPK Lun, WC Siu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47 (11), 3139-3144, 1999
New architecture for dynamic frame-skipping transcoder
KT Fung, YL Chan, WC Siu
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 11 (8), 886-900, 2002
Generation of moment invariants and their uses for character recognition
WH Wong, WC Siu, KM Lam
Pattern Recognition Letters 16 (2), 115-123, 1995
A robust scheme for live detection of human faces in color images
KW Wong, KM Lam, WC Siu
Signal processing: Image communication 18 (2), 103-114, 2003
On the realization of discrete cosine transform using the distributed arithmetic
YH Chan, WC Siu
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Fundamental theory and …, 1992
A background-thinning-based approach for separating and recognizing connected handwritten digit strings
Z Lu, Z Chi, WC Siu, P Shi
Pattern Recognition 32 (6), 921-933, 1999
Frame complexity-based rate-quantization model for H. 264/AVC intraframe rate control
X Jing, LP Chau, WC Siu
IEEE Signal processing letters 15, 373-376, 2008
A fast fractal image coding based on kick-out and zero contrast conditions
CM Lai, KM Lam, WC Siu
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 12 (11), 1398-1403, 2003
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