Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Marcin ZajenkowskiWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 11
Attitudes towards Poland's ban on abortion: Religiousness, morality, and situational affordances
PK Jonason, M Zajenkowski, K Szymaniak, M Leniarska
Personality and Individual Differences 184, 111229, 2022
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Emotional experiences in vulnerable and grandiose narcissism: Anger and mood in neutral and anger evoking situations
O Maciantowicz, M Zajenkowski
Self and Identity 20 (5), 688-713, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
How do high trait anger people feel about rewards high and low in arousal? Disentangling the association between trait anger and subjective pleasantness of rewards
K Szymaniak, M Zajenkowski
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 110278, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
The frustrated narcissist: Intelligence may reduce the chances of developing narcissistic rivalry
GE Gignac, M Zajenkowski
Intelligence 87, 101556, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Vulnerable and grandiose narcissism in adolescence: Associations with anger and hostility
O Maciantowicz, M Zajenkowski, S Thomaes
Current Psychology 41 (1), 146-154, 2022
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Religiousness is associated with higher empathic concern—Evidence from self-and other-ratings.
P Łowicki, M Zajenkowski
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 13 (2), 127, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Trait anger and approach motivation are related to higher endorsement of specific and generic conspiracy beliefs
K Szymaniak, M Zajenkowski, K Fronczyk, S Leung, E Harmon-Jones
Journal of Research in Personality 104, 104374, 2023
Mandate: Australian Research Council, Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Narcissism and intelligence among couples: Why are narcissistic women perceived as intelligent by their romantic partners?
M Zajenkowski, GE Gignac
Personality and Individual Differences 172, 110579, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Do communal narcissists care about intelligence? Associations with high self-assessed and low objective intelligence
M Leniarska, M Zajenkowski, R Rogoza, R Fatfouta
Personality and Individual Differences 207, 112153, 2023
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
From situational perceptions to personality pathologies
PK Jonason, M Zajenkowski, M Leniarska
Personality and Individual Differences 181, 111049, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Ego vs. reality: narcissism and the discrepancy between academic expectations and achievement
M Zajenkowski, GE Gignac
Learning and Individual Differences 112, 102466, 2024
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Verfügbar: 19
Narcissism between facets and domains. The relationships between two types of narcissism and aspects of the Big Five
M Zajenkowski, K Szymaniak
Current psychology 40, 2112-2121, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
The relationship of narcissism with tendency to react with anger and hostility: The roles of neuroticism and emotion regulation ability
AZ Czarna, M Zajenkowski, O Maciantowicz, K Szymaniak
Current Psychology 40, 5499-5514, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Cognitive consequences of timeframe bias. On the link between working memory, cognitive switching, and time perspective
J Witowska, M Zajenkowski
Current Psychology 40 (7), 3532-3545, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Narcissus locked in the past: Vulnerable narcissism and the negative views of the past
M Zajenkowski, R Rogoza, O Maciantowicz, J Witowska, PK Jonason
Journal of Research in Personality 93, 104123, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
How do teenagers perceive their intelligence? Narcissism, intellect, well-being and gender as correlates of self-assessed intelligence among adolescents
M Zajenkowski
Personality and Individual Differences 169, 109978, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Religious fundamentalism, delusions, and conspiracy beliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic
M Sobol, M Zajenkowski, KS Jankowski
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (15), 9597, 2022
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Telling people they are intelligent correlates with the feeling of narcissistic uniqueness: The influence of IQ feedback on temporary state narcissism
M Zajenkowski, GE Gignac
Intelligence 89, 101595, 2021
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
I need some answers, now!: Present time perspective is associated with holding conspiracy beliefs
M Zajenkowski, J Górniak, K Wojnarowski, M Sobol, PK Jonason
Personality and Individual Differences 196, 111723, 2022
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Different aspects of narcissism and Social Networking Sites addiction in Poland and Germany: The mediating role of positive and negative reinforcement expectancies
JM Balcerowska, A Sawicki, J Brailovskaia, M Zajenkowski
Personality and Individual Differences 207, 112172, 2023
Mandate: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
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