Stuart Khan
Stuart Khan
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Fluorescence as a potential monitoring tool for recycled water systems: a review
RK Henderson, A Baker, KR Murphy, A Hambly, RM Stuetz, SJ Khan
Water research 43 (4), 863-881, 2009
Fate of antibiotics during municipal water recycling treatment processes
N Le-Minh, SJ Khan, JE Drewes, RM Stuetz
Water research 44 (15), 4295-4323, 2010
Organic matter fluorescence in municipal water recycling schemes: toward a unified PARAFAC model
KR Murphy, A Hambly, S Singh, RK Henderson, A Baker, R Stuetz, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (7), 2909-2916, 2011
Removal of trace organics by MBR treatment: the role of molecular properties
N Tadkaew, FI Hai, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, LD Nghiem
Water research 45 (8), 2439-2451, 2011
The role of membrane processes in municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse
T Wintgens, T Melin, A Schäfer, S Khan, M Muston, D Bixio, C Thoeye
Desalination 178 (1-3), 1-11, 2005
Combining MBR and NF/RO membrane filtration for the removal of trace organics in indirect potable water reuse applications
AA Alturki, N Tadkaew, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, WE Price, LD Nghiem
Journal of Membrane Science 365 (1-2), 206-215, 2010
Sorption of emerging trace organic compounds onto wastewater sludge solids
J Stevens-Garmon, JE Drewes, SJ Khan, JA McDonald, ERV Dickenson
Water research 45 (11), 3417-3426, 2011
Modelling of pharmaceutical residues in Australian sewage by quantities of use and fugacity calculations
SJ Khan, JE Ongerth
Chemosphere 54 (3), 355-367, 2004
Extreme weather events: Should drinking water quality management systems adapt to changing risk profiles?
SJ Khan, D Deere, FDL Leusch, A Humpage, M Jenkins, D Cunliffe
Water research 85, 124-136, 2015
Minimizing errors in RT-PCR detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for wastewater surveillance
W Ahmed, SL Simpson, PM Bertsch, K Bibby, A Bivins, LL Blackall, ...
Science of the Total Environment 805, 149877, 2022
Removal of trace organics by anaerobic membrane bioreactors
VM Monsalvo, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, P Le-Clech
Water research 49, 103-112, 2014
Performance of a novel osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) system: flux stability and removal of trace organics
A Alturki, J McDonald, SJ Khan, FI Hai, WE Price, LD Nghiem
Bioresource technology 113, 201-206, 2012
Removal of trace organic contaminants by the forward osmosis process
AA Alturki, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, WE Price, LD Nghiem, M Elimelech
Separation and Purification Technology 103, 258-266, 2013
Effect of mixed liquor pH on the removal of trace organic contaminants in a membrane bioreactor
N Tadkaew, M Sivakumar, SJ Khan, JA McDonald, LD Nghiem
Bioresource technology 101 (5), 1494-1500, 2010
Chemical contaminants in swimming pools: Occurrence, implications and control
TLL Teo, HM Coleman, SJ Khan
Environment international 76, 16-31, 2015
Effects of membrane degradation on the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) by NF/RO filtration processes
A Simon, LD Nghiem, P Le-Clech, SJ Khan, JE Drewes
Journal of Membrane Science 340 (1-2), 16-25, 2009
Characterising humic acid fouling of nanofiltration membranes using bisphenol A as a molecular indicator
LD Nghiem, D Vogel, S Khan
Water research 42 (15), 4049-4058, 2008
Evaluation of effluent organic matter fouling in ultrafiltration treatment using advanced organic characterisation techniques
RK Henderson, N Subhi, A Antony, SJ Khan, KR Murphy, GL Leslie, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 382 (1-2), 50-59, 2011
N-nitrosamine removal by reverse osmosis for indirect potable water reuse–A critical review based on observations from laboratory-, pilot-and full-scale studies
T Fujioka, SJ Khan, Y Poussade, JE Drewes, LD Nghiem
Separation and Purification Technology 98, 503-515, 2012
Key objectives for water reuse concepts
E Huertas, M Salgot, J Hollender, S Weber, W Dott, S Khan, A Schaefer, ...
Desalination 218 (1-3), 120-131, 2008
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