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Climate variability and change in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia: challenges for rainfed crop production
BT Kassie, RP Rötter, H Hengsdijk, S Asseng, MK Van Ittersum, ...
The Journal of Agricultural Science 152 (1), 58-74, 2014
The impact of increasing farm size and mechanization on rural income and rice production in Zhejiang province, China
MM Van den Berg, H Hengsdijk, J Wolf, MK Van Ittersum, W Guanghuo, ...
Agricultural Systems 94 (3), 841-850, 2007
FSSIM, a bio-economic farm model for simulating the response of EU farming systems to agricultural and environmental policies
K Louhichi, A Kanellopoulos, S Janssen, G Flichman, M Blanco, ...
Agricultural Systems 103 (8), 585-597, 2010
Modeling the effect of three soil and water conservation practices in Tigray, Ethiopia
H Hengsdijk, GW Meijerink, ME Mosugu
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 105 (1-2), 29-40, 2005
Long-term effects of manure and inorganic fertilizers on yield and soil fertility for a winter wheat-maize system in Jiangsu, China
D Jiang, H Hengsdijk, DAI Ting-Bo, J Qi, CAO Wei-Xing
Pedosphere 16 (1), 25-32, 2006
Quantifying production potentials of winter wheat in the North China Plain
D Wu, Q Yu, C Lu, H Hengsdijk
European Journal of Agronomy 24 (3), 226-235, 2006
Exploring options to combine high yields with high nitrogen use efficiencies in irrigated rice in China
Q Jing, BAM Bouman, H Hengsdijk, H Van Keulen, W Cao
European Journal of Agronomy 26 (2), 166-177, 2007
Microeconomics: A synthesis of modern and neoclassical theory
RR Russell, M Wilkinson
(No Title), 1979
Effects of rice establishment methods on crop performance, water use, and mineral nitrogen
AK Singh, BU Choudhury, BAM Bouman
Water-wise rice production. Los Baños (Philippines): International Rice …, 2002
Climate-induced yield variability and yield gaps of maize (Zea mays L.) in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
BT Kassie, MK Van Ittersum, H Hengsdijk, S Asseng, J Wolf, RP Rötter
Field Crops Research 160, 41-53, 2014
Adapting to climate variability and change: experiences from cereal-based farming in the Central Rift and Kobo Valleys, Ethiopia
BT Kassie, H Hengsdijk, R Rötter, H Kahiluoto, S Asseng, M Van Ittersum
Environmental Management 52, 1115-1131, 2013
Land and water resources assessment in the Ethiopian Central Rift Valley
H Jansen, H Hengsdijk, D Legesse, T Ayenew, P Hellegers, P Spliethoff
Alterra report 1587, 81, 2007
Exploring climate change impacts and adaptation options for maize production in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia using different climate change scenarios and crop models
BT Kassie, S Asseng, RP Rotter, H Hengsdijk, AC Ruane, ...
Climatic change 129, 145-158, 2015
Exploring determinants of farmers' investments in land management in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Z Adimassu, A Kessler, H Hengsdijk
Applied Geography 35 (1-2), 191-198, 2012
A framework for integrated biophysical and economic land use analysis at different scales
BAM Bouman, HGP Jansen, RA Schipper, A Nieuwenhuyse, H Hengsdijk, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 75 (1-2), 55-73, 1999
Using a cropping system model at regional scale: Low-data approaches for crop management information and model calibration
O Therond, H Hengsdijk, E Casellas, D Wallach, M Adam, H Belhouchette, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 142 (1-2), 85-94, 2011
Post-harvest management and post-harvest losses of cereals in Ethiopia
H Hengsdijk, WJ De Boer
Food Security 9, 945-958, 2017
A generic bio-economic farm model for environmental and economic assessment of agricultural systems
S Janssen, K Louhichi, A Kanellopoulos, P Zander, G Flichman, ...
Environmental Management 46, 862-877, 2010
Agricultural development in the Central Ethiopian Rift valley: A desk-study on water-related issues and knowledge to support a policy dialogue
H Hengsdijk, H Jansen
Plant Research International BV, Wageningen 22, 28-36, 2006
Recomendações de adubação e calagem para o Estado do Pará
AKO Homma
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 2007
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