Bernard Van der Zeijst
Bernard Van der Zeijst
Hoogleraar Vaccins en Vaccinatie, LUMC
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Genetic Variation and Evolutionary Origin of the Direct Repeat Locus of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Bacteria
JDA Van Embden, T Van Gorkom, K Kremer, R Jansen, ...
Journal of bacteriology 182 (9), 2393-2401, 2000
Inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni flagellin genes by homologous recombination demonstrates that flaA but not flaB is required for invasion.
TM Wassenaar, NM Bleumink‐Pluym, BA Van Der Zeijst
The EMBO journal 10 (8), 2055-2061, 1991
Colonization of chicks by motility mutants of Campylobacter jejuni demonstrates the importance of flagellin A expression
TM Wassenaar, BAM van der Zeijst, R Ayling, DG Newell
Microbiology 139 (6), 1171-1175, 1993
Coronavirus mRNA synthesis involves fusion of non-contiguous sequences
W Spaan, H Delius, M Skinner, J Armstrong, P Rottier, S Smeekens, ...
The EMBO journal 2 (10), 1839, 1983
Evidence for a coiled-coil structure in the spike proteins of coronaviruses
RJ De Groot, W Luytjes, MC Horzinek, BAM Van der Zeijst, WJM Spaan, ...
Journal of molecular biology 196 (4), 963-966, 1987
Location of antigenic sites defined by neutralizing monoclonal antibodies on the S1 avian infectious bronchitis virus glycopolypeptide
A Kant, G Koch, DJ Van Roozelaar, JG Kusters, FAJ Poelwijk, ...
Journal of general virology 73 (3), 591-596, 1992
Structural and functional analysis of two Campylobacter jejuni flagellin genes.
PJ Nuijten, FJ Van Asten, W Gaastra, BA Van Der Zeijst
Journal of Biological Chemistry 265 (29), 17798-17804, 1990
Primary structure of the glycoprotein E2 of coronavirus MHV-A59 and identification of the trypsin cleavage site
W Luytjes, LS Sturman, PJ Bredenbee, J Charite, BAM van der Zeijst, ...
Virology 161 (2), 479-487, 1987
Sequence evidence for RNA recombination in field isolates of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus
JG Kusters, EJ Jager, HGM Niesters, BAM Van Der Zeijst
Vaccine 8 (6), 605-608, 1990
Phylogeny of antigenic variants of avian coronavirus IBV
JG Kusters, HGM Niesters, JA Lenstra, MC Horzinek, BAM Van Der Zeijst
Virology 169 (1), 217-221, 1989
Identification of Campylobacter jejuniPromoter Sequences
MMSM Wösten, M Boeve, MGA Koot, AC van Nuenen, ...
Journal of bacteriology 180 (3), 594-599, 1998
Viral protein synthesis in mouse hepatitis virus strain A59-infected cells: effect of tunicamycin
PJ Rottier, MC Horzinek, BA Van der Zeijst
Journal of Virology 40 (2), 350-357, 1981
Capsular polysaccharide synthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14: molecular analysis of the complete cps locus and identification of genes encoding …
MAB Kolkman, W Wakarchuk, PJM Nuijten, BAM Van Der Zeijst
Molecular microbiology 26 (1), 197-208, 1997
SG Siddell, R Anderson, D Cavanagh, K Fujiwara, HD Klenk, ...
Intervirology 20 (4), 181-189, 1983
The positive regulator CfaD overcomes the repression mediated by histone‐like protein H‐NS (H1) in the CFA/I fimbrial operon of Escherichia coli.
BJ Jordi, B Dagberg, LA De Haan, AM Hamers, BA Van der Zeijst, ...
The EMBO Journal 11 (7), 2627-2632, 1992
Genetic Basis for the Structural Difference between Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 15B and 15C Capsular Polysaccharides
S van Selm, LM van Cann, MAB Kolkman, BAM van der Zeijst, ...
Infection and Immunity 71 (11), 6192-6198, 2003
Molecular epidemiology of infectious bronchitis virus in the Netherlands
JG Kusters, HGM Niesters, NMC Bleumink-Pluym, FG Davelaar, ...
Journal of General Virology 68 (2), 343-352, 1987
Isolation and identification of virus-specific mRNAs in cells infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-A59)
WJM Spaan, PJM Rottier, MC Horzinek, BAM Van Der Zeijst
Virology 108 (2), 424-434, 1981
Translation of three mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 subgenomic RNAs in Xenopus laevis oocytes
PJ Rottier, WJ Spaan, MC Horzinek, BA Van der Zeijst
Journal of Virology 38 (1), 20-26, 1981
Genetic manipulation of Campylobacter: evaluation of natural transformation and electro-transformation
TM Wassenaar, BN Fry, BAM van der Zeijst
Gene 132 (1), 131-135, 1993
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