Mathieu Dassot
Mathieu Dassot
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The use of terrestrial LiDAR technology in forest science: application fields, benefits and challenges
M Dassot, T Constant, M Fournier
Annals of forest science 68, 959-974, 2011
Terrestrial laser scanning for measuring the solid wood volume, including branches, of adult standing trees in the forest environment
M Dassot, A Colin, P Santenoise, M Fournier, T Constant
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 89, 86-93, 2012
Terrestrial laser scanning reveals differences in crown structure of Fagus sylvatica in mixed vs. pure European forests
I Barbeito, M Dassot, D Bayer, C Collet, L Drössler, M Löf, M del Rio, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 381-390, 2017
A double-digitising method for building 3D virtual trees with non-planar leaves: application to the morphology and light-capture properties of young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica)
JC Chambelland, M Dassot, B Adam, N Donès, P Balandier, A Marquier, ...
Functional Plant Biology 35 (10), 1059-1069, 2008
On the canopy structure manipulation to buffer climate change effects on insect herbivore development
M Saudreau, S Pincebourde, M Dassot, B Adam, HD Loxdale, DG Biron
Trees 27 (1), 239-248, 2013
Single-image photogrammetry for deriving tree architectural traits in mature forest stands: a comparison with terrestrial laser scanning
K Kędra, I Barbeito, M Dassot, P Vallet, A Gazda
Annals of forest science 76, 1-13, 2019
Impact of stand density on tree morphology and growth stresses in young beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands
M Dassot, T Constant, F Ningre, M Fournier
Trees 29 (2), 583-591, 2015
Effect of tree size and competition on tension wood production over time in beech plantations and assessing relative gravitropic response with a biomechanical model
M Dassot, M Fournier, F Ningre, T Constant
American Journal of Botany 99 (9), 1427-1435, 2012
Tree architecture and biomass assessment from terrestrial LiDAR measurements: a case study for some Beech trees (Fagus sylvatica)
M Dassot, A Barbacci, A Colin, M Fournier, T Constant
Silvilaser, Freiburg, 206-215, 2010
Assessing the scaling of the tree branch diameters frequency distribution with terrestrial laser scanning: methodological framework and issues
M Dassot, M Fournier, C Deleuze
Annals of Forest Science 76 (3), 66, 2019
Manipulating seed availability, plant competition and litter accumulation by soil preparation and canopy opening to ensure regeneration success in temperate low-mountain forest …
M Dassot, C Collet
European Journal of Forest Research 134 (2), 247-259, 2015
Four-year-performance of oak and pine seedlings following mechanical site preparation with lightweight excavators.
N Dumas, M Dassot, J Pitaud, J Piat, L Arnaudet, C Richter, C Collet
Silva Fennica 55 (2), 1-24, 2021
Effects of different site preparation methods on the root development of planted Quercus petraea and Pinus nigra
M Dassot, C Collet
New Forests 52 (1), 17-30, 2021
La scarification du sol et le dosage du couvert forestier permettent de lever des blocages de régénération naturelle
M Dassot, A Frauenfelder, L Wehrlen, C Collet
Rendez-vous Techniques ONF, 3-8, 2017
Feedbacks about the use of terrestrial LiDAR within the field of tree biomechanics
T Constant, M Dassot, F Ningre, JB Morisset, M Chaumet
7. IUFRO group 5.01. 04 Workshop: Measurement methods and Modelling …, 2013
Relations entre morphologie, croissance, bois de réaction et contraintes de maturation.: Apport de la technologie LiDAR terrestre pour répondre à des questions écologiques et …
M Dassot
AgroParisTech, 2013
Méthodes alternatives de contrôle de la molinie et de préparation du sol pour réussir les plantations
M Dassot, C Collet, Q Girard, G Gibaud, J Piat, L Wehrlen, C Richter, ...
Rendez-vous Techniques de l'ONF, p 3-10, 2016
Contrôler la fougère aigle pour réussir les plantations
C Collet, G Gibaud, Q Girard, M Dassot, L Wehrlen, C Richter, J Piat, ...
Forêt Entreprise, p 28-33, 2015
Automatic instantiation of a structural leaf model from 3D scanner data: application to light interception computation
JC Chambelland, B Adam, N Donès, P Balandier, A Marquier, M Dassot, ...
The 5th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 2007
Création et renouvellement des forêts. Outils de gestion de la végétation concurrente et la préparation du sol: le sous-soleur multifonction®
F Duez, M Dassot, L Wehrlen, CC Collet
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