Amin Gharipour
Amin Gharipour
Prospa, Data Analytics
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A practical feature-engineering framework for electricity theft detection in smart grids
R Razavi, A Gharipour, M Fleury, IJ Akpan
Applied energy 238, 481-494, 2019
Occupancy detection of residential buildings using smart meter data: A large-scale study
R Razavi, A Gharipour, M Fleury, IJ Akpan
Energy and Buildings 183, 195-208, 2019
Lactate/albumin ratio: An early prognostic marker in critically ill patients
A Gharipour, R Razavi, M Gharipour, D Mukasa
The American journal of emergency medicine 38 (10), 2088-2095, 2020
Depression screening using mobile phone usage metadata: a machine learning approach
R Razavi, A Gharipour, M Gharipour
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 (4), 522-530, 2020
Feature selection using parallel genetic algorithm for the prediction of geometric mean diameter of soil aggregates by machine learning methods
AA Besalatpour, S Ayoubi, MA Hajabbasi, AY Jazi, A Gharipour
Arid Land Research and Management 28 (4), 383-394, 2014
Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images: An integrated framework using level set segmentation and touching-cell splitting
A Gharipour, AWC Liew
Pattern recognition 58, 1-11, 2016
Prediction of soil physical properties by optimized support vector machines.
A Besalatpour, MA Hajabbasi, S Ayoubi, A Gharipour, AY Jazi
International Agrophysics 26 (2), 2012
The incidence and outcome of severe hyperlactatemia in critically ill patients
A Gharipour, R Razavi, M Gharipour, R Modarres, P Nezafati, ...
Internal and emergency medicine 16, 115-123, 2021
Selenium homeostasis and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review
M Gharipour, M Sadeghi, M Behmanesh, M Salehi, P Nezafati, ...
Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis 88 (3), 263, 2017
Association of expression of selenoprotein P in mRNA and protein levels with metabolic syndrome in subjects with cardiovascular disease: Results of the Selenegene study
M Gharipour, M Sadeghi, M Salehi, M Behmanesh, E Khosravi, ...
The Journal of Gene Medicine 19 (3), e2945, 2017
Rethinking the privacy of the smart grid: What your smart meter data can reveal about your household in Ireland
R Razavi, A Gharipour
Energy research & social science 44, 312-323, 2018
Effects of selenium supplementation on expression of SEPP1 in mRNA and protein levels in subjects with and without metabolic syndrome suffering from coronary artery disease …
M Gharipour, K Ouguerram, EH Nazih, M Salehi, M Behmanesh, ...
Journal of cellular biochemistry 119 (10), 8282-8289, 2018
An integration strategy based on fuzzy clustering and level set method for cell image segmentation
A Gharipour, AWC Liew
2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2013
Bio-cell image segmentation using bayes graph-cut model
M Beheshti, J Faichney, A Gharipour
2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2015
Colon cell image segmentation based on level set and kernel-based fuzzy clustering
A Gharipour, AWC Liew
Intelligent Computing Theories and Technology: 9th International Conference …, 2013
Effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms in SEPS1 and SEPP1 on expression in the protein level in metabolic syndrome in subjects with cardiovascular disease
M Gharipour, K Ouguerram, EH Nazih, M Salehi, M Behmanesh, R Razavi, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 46, 5685-5693, 2019
Level set based segmentation of cell nucleus in fluorescence microscopy images using correntropy-based k-means clustering
A Gharipour, AWC Liew
2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2015
Fuzzy clustering using local and global region information for cell image segmentation
A Gharipour, AWC Liew
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 216-222, 2014
Forecast combination with optimized SVM based on quantum-inspired hybrid evolutionary method for complex systems prediction
A Gharipour, AY Jazi, M Sameti
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering …, 2011
A Novel Framework for Optimizing Indoor Illuminance and Discovering Association of Involved Variables
NH Matin, A Eydgahi, A Gharipour, P Matin
Buildings 12 (7), 878, 2022
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