Michael J Oudshoorn
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Professional competencies in computing education: pedagogies and assessment
R Raj, M Sabin, J Impagliazzo, D Bowers, M Daniels, F Hermans, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology …, 2021
Challenges and recommendations for the design and conduct of global software engineering courses: A systematic review
T Clear, S Beecham, J Barr, M Daniels, R McDermott, M Oudshoorn, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ITiCSE on Working Group Reports, 1-39, 2015
Implementing asynchronous remote method invocation in Java
KEK Falkner, PD Coddington, MJ Oudshoorn
Proc. the Parallel and Real-Time Systems Conference, 1999
Computer Science Curricula 2023
AN Kumar, RK Raj, SG Aly, MD Anderson, BA Becker, RL Blumenthal, ...
ACM, 2024
Preparing tomorrow's software engineers for work in a global environment
S Beecham, T Clear, J Barr, M Daniels, M Oudshoorn, J Noll
IEEE Software 34 (1), 9-12, 2017
AdJava-Automatic Distribution of Java Applications.
MM Fuad, MJ Oudshoorn
ACSC 2, 65-75, 2002
A formal definition of the dynamic semantics of the ei el language
I Attali, D Caromel, M Oudshoorn
Australian Computer Science Communications 14, 1, 1993
Gender equity in computing: International faculty perceptions and current practices
M Hamilton, A Luxton-Reilly, N Augar, V Chiprianov, EC Gutierrez, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ITiCSE Working Group Reports, 81-102, 2016
Towards autonomic distribution of existing object oriented programs
D Deb, MM Fuad, MJ Oudshoorn
International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'06), 17-17, 2006
Adding self-healing capabilities into legacy object oriented application
MM Fuad, D Deb, MJ Oudshoorn
International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'06), 51-51, 2006
Aspects and taxonomy of program visualisation
MJ Oudshoorn, H Widjaja, SK Ellershaw
Software Visualisation, 3-26, 1996
Experience with a project-based approach to teaching software engineering
MJ Oudshoorn, KJ Maciunas
Proceedings Software Education Conference (SRIG-ET'94), 220-225, 1994
Transformation of existing programs into autonomic and self-healing entities
MM Fuad, MJ Oudshoorn
14th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering …, 2007
An autonomic architecture for legacy systems
MM Fuad, MJ Oudshoorn
Third IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic & Autonomous …, 2006
Architectural issues of Web-enabled electronic business
N Shi, VK Murthy
IGI Global, 2002
Employing hierarchical federation communities in the virtual ship architecture
A Cramp, MJ Oudshoorn
ACSC, 41-49, 2002
Toward practical computing competencies
RK Raj, M Sabin, J Impagliazzo, D Bowers, M Daniels, F Hermans, ...
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2021
System architecture of an autonomic element
MM Fuad, MJ Oudshoorn
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and …, 2007
Communication constructs for high performance distributed computing
H Detmold, MJ Oudshoorn
Australian Computer Science Communications 18, 252-261, 1996
Orthogonal persistence and Ada
S Crawley, M Oudshoorn
Proceedings of the conference on TRI-Ada'94, 298-308, 1994
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