Xiaoming Xi
Xiaoming Xi
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
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A framework for evaluation and use of automated scoring
DM Williamson, X Xi, FJ Breyer
Educational measurement: issues and practice 31 (1), 2-13, 2012
Automatic scoring of non-native spontaneous speech in tests of spoken English
K Zechner, D Higgins, X Xi, DM Williamson
Speech communication 51 (10), 883-895, 2009
How do we go about investigating test fairness?
X Xi
Language testing 27 (2), 147-170, 2010
Automated scoring and feedback systems: Where are we and where are we heading?
X Xi
Language Testing 27 (3), 291-300, 2010
A three-stage approach to the automated scoring of spontaneous spoken responses
D Higgins, X Xi, K Zechner, D Williamson
Computer Speech & Language 25 (2), 282-306, 2011
Methods of test validation
X Xi, Y Sawaki
Encyclopedia of language and education 7, 177-196, 2008
Automated scoring of spontaneous speech using SpeechRater v1.0
DM Xi, X., Higgins, D., Zechner, K., & Williamson
ETS Research Rep., 2008
Evaluating analytic scoring for the TOEFL® Academic Speaking Test (TAST) for operational use
X Xi
Language Testing 24 (2), 251-286, 2007
Using raters from India to score a large‐scale speaking test
X Xi, P Mollaun
Language Learning 61 (4), 1222-1255, 2011
Improved pronunciation features for construct-driven assessment of non-native spontaneous speech
L Chen, K Zechner, X Xi
Proceedings of human language technologies: The 2009 annual conference of …, 2009
A comparison of two scoring methods for an automated speech scoring system
X Xi, D Higgins, K Zechner, D Williamson
Language Testing 29 (3), 371-394, 2012
How do raters from India perform in scoring the TOEFL iBT Speaking section and what kind of training helps?
P Xi, X., & Mollaun
TOEFL iBT Research Rep., 2009
Investigating the utility of analytic scoring for the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST)
P Xi, X., & Mollaun
TOEFL iBT Research Report, 2006
Do visual chunks and planning impact performance on the graph description task in the SPEAK exam?
X Xi
Language Testing 22 (4), 463-508, 2005
A study on the impact of fatigue on human raters when scoring speaking responses
G Ling, P Mollaun, X Xi
Language Testing 31 (4), 479-499, 2014
SpeechRater: A construct-driven approach to scoring spontaneous non-native speech
K Zechner, D Higgins, X Xi
Proc. SLaTE, 2007
Aspects of performance on line graph description tasks: Influenced by graph familiarity and different task features
X Xi
Language Testing 27 (1), 73-100, 2010
Validating TOEFL® iBT Speaking and setting score requirements for ITA screening
X Xi
Language Assessment Quarterly 4 (4), 318-351, 2007
What does corpus linguistics have to offer to language assessment?
X Xi
Language Testing 34 (4), 565-577, 2017
Validity and the automated scoring of performance tests.
X Xi
The Routledge Handbook of Language Testing (2nd edition)., 2021
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