Atul Kr. Ojha
Atul Kr. Ojha
Sonstige Namenअतुल कु. ओझा
Insight Research Ireland Centre for Data Analytics, DSI, University of Galway
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Benchmarking aggression identification in social media
R Kumar, AK Ojha, S Malmasi, M Zampieri
Proceedings of the first workshop on trolling, aggression and cyberbullying …, 2018
Evaluating aggression identification in social media
R Kumar, AK Ojha, S Malmasi, M Zampieri
Proceedings of the second workshop on trolling, aggression and cyberbullying …, 2020
Universal Dependencies 2.5
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, LINDAT/CLARIN, Charles …, 2019
Developing a Multilingual Annotated Corpus of Misogyny and Aggression
S Bhattacharya, S Singh, R Kumar, A Bansal, A Bhagat, Y Dawer, B Lahiri, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.07428, 2020
Findings of the IWSLT 2023 Evaluation Campaign
M Agarwal, S Agrawal, A Anastasopoulos, L Bentivogli, O Bojar, C Borg, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language …, 2023
Training & Evaluation of POS Taggers in Indo-Aryan Languages: A Case of Hindi, Odia and Bhojpuri
AK Ojha, P Behera, S Singh, GN Jha
Proceedings of 7th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language …, 2015
Aggressive and Offensive Language Identification in Hindi, Bangla, and English: A Comparative Study
R Kumar, B Lahiri, AK Ojha
SN Computer Science 2 (1), 26, 2021
Automatic Identification of Closely-related Indian Languages: Resources and Experiments
R Kumar, B Lahiri, D Alok, AK Ojha, M Jain, A Basit, Y Dawar
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and …, 2018
English-Bhojpuri SMT System: Insights from the Kāraka Model
AK Ojha
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 2019
Findings of the LoResMT 2021 Shared Task on COVID and Sign Language for Low-resource Languages
AK Ojha, CH Liu, K Kann, J Ortega, S Shatam, T Fransen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06598, 2021
Universal Dependency Treebanks for Low-Resource Indian Languages: The Case of Bhojpuri
AK Ojha, D Zeman
Proceedings of the WILDRE5–5th workshop on Indian language data: resources …, 2020
KMI-coling at SemEval-2019 task 6: exploring N-grams for offensive language detection
P Rani, AK Ojha
Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 668-671, 2019
Findings of the LoResMT 2020 Shared Task on Zero-Shot for Low-Resource languages
AK Ojha, V Malykh, A Karakanta, CH Liu
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource …, 2020
The ComMA Dataset V0. 2: Annotating Aggression and Bias in Multilingual Social Media Discourse
R Kumar, E Nandi, LN Devi, S Ratan, S Singh, A Bhagat, Y Dawer, ...
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
ComMA@ FIRE 2020: Exploring Multilingual Joint Training across different Classification Tasks.
R Kumar, B Lahiri, AK Ojha, A Bansal
FIRE (Working Notes), 823-828, 2020
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC-2018)
R Kumar, AK Ojha, M Zampieri, S Malmasi
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018
Issues and Challenges in Developing Statistical POS Taggers for Sambalpuri
P Behera, AK Ojha, GN Jha
Proceedings of 7th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language …, 2015
Few-shot and Zero-shot Approaches to Legal Text Classification: A Case Study in the Financial Sector
R Sarkar, AK Ojha, J Megaro, J Mariano, V Herard, JP McCrae
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021, 102-106, 2021
The RGNLP Machine Translation Systems for WAT 2018
AK Ojha, KD Chowdhury, CH Liu, K Saxena
32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, The …, 2018
A Non-exclusive Multi-class Convolutional Neural Network for the Classification of Functional Requirements in AUTOSAR Software Requirement Specification text
JP Sanjanasri, VK Menon, KP Soman, K Ojha, Atul
IEEE Access, 2022
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