James C. Cooper
James C. Cooper
Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
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Vertical antitrust policy as a problem of inference
JC Cooper, LM Froeb, D O'Brien, MG Vita
International journal of industrial organization 23 (7-8), 639-664, 2005
Behavioral economics: implications for regulatory behavior
JC Cooper, WE Kovacic
Journal of Regulatory Economics 41, 41-58, 2012
Privacy and antitrust: Underpants gnomes, the first amendment, and subjectivity
JC Cooper
Geo. Mason L. Rev. 20, 1129, 2012
Theory and Practice of Competition Advocacy at the FTC
JC Cooper, PA Pautler, TJ Zywicki
Antitrust LJ 72, 1091, 2004
Behavioral economics and its meaning for antitrust agency decision making
JC Cooper, WE Kovacic
JL Econ. & Pol'y 8, 779, 2011
US Convergence with international competition norms: Antitrust law and public restraints on competition
JC Cooper, WE Kovacic
BUL Rev. 90, 1555, 2010
Does price discrimination intensify competition-implications for antitrust
JC Cooper, L Froeb, DP O'Brien, S Tschantz
Antitrust LJ 72, 327, 2004
A comparative study of United States and European Union approaches to vertical policy
JC Cooper, LM Froeb, DP O'Brien, MG Vita
Geo. Mason L. Rev. 13, 289, 2004
There is a time to keep silent and a time to speak, the hard part is knowing which is which: striking the balance between privacy protection and the flow of health care information
DJ Gilman, JC Cooper
Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 16, 279, 2009
Vertical restrictions and antitrust policy: What about the evidence?
JC Cooper, LM Froeb, DP O'Brien, M Vita
Competition Policy International 1 (2), 05-32, 2005
Alcohol, antitrust, and the 21st Amendment: An empirical examination of post and hold laws
JC Cooper, JD Wright
International Review of Law and Economics 32 (4), 379-392, 2012
Prices and price dispersion in online and offline markets for contact lenses
JC Cooper
FTC Bureau of Economics working paper, 2006
Privacy and Antitrust: Underpants Gnomes, the First Amendment, and Subjectivity'(2013)
JC Cooper
George Mason Law Review 20, 1129, 0
State Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Laws: An Economic and Empirical Analysis
JC Cooper, J Shepherd
Antitrust LJ 81, 947, 2016
Antitrust & Privacy: It's Complicated
JC Cooper, JM Yun
U. Ill. JL Tech. & Pol'y, 343, 2022
Separation Anxiety
JC Cooper
Virginia Journal of Law & Technology 21 (1), 1-59, 2017
COPPAcalypse? The Youtube Settlement's Impact on Kids Content
G Johnson, T Lin, JC Cooper, L Zhong
SSRN, 2023
Unreasonable: A strict liability solution to the FTC's data security problem
JC Cooper, BH Kobayashi
Mich. Tech. L. Rev. 28, 257, 2021
A Critique of Professor Church's Report on the Impact of Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers on Competition
J Cooper, L Froeb, D O'Brien, M Vita
Journal of Competition Law and Economics 1 (4), 785-792, 2005
The missing role of economics in FTC privacy policy
JC Cooper, J Wright
The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy 465, 2018
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