Cengiz Yildirim
Cengiz Yildirim
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Multi-phased uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian plateau, Turkey: A record of tectonic and upper mantle processes
TF Schildgen, D Cosentino, B Bookhagen, S Niedermann, C Yıldırım, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 317, 85-95, 2012
Linking slab break-off, Hellenic trench retreat, and uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus
TF Schildgen, C Yıldırım, D Cosentino, MR Strecker
Earth-Science Reviews 128, 147-168, 2014
The prevalence of symptomatic knee and distal interphalangeal joint osteoarthritis in the urban population of Antalya, Turkey
C Kacar, E Gilgil, S Urhan, V Arıkan, Ü Dündar, MC Öksüz, G Sünbüloglu, ...
Rheumatology international 25, 201-204, 2005
İzmir yakın çevresinin diri fayları ve deprem potansiyelleri
Ö Emre, S Özalp, A Doğan, V Özaksoy, C Yıldırım, F Göktaş
MTA rapor 10754, 1-80, 2005
Relative tectonic activity assessment of the Tuz Gölü Fault Zone; Central Anatolia, Turkey
C Yıldırım
Tectonophysics 630, 183-192, 2014
Geological and geomorphologic asymmetry across the rupture zones of the 1943 and 1944 earthquakes on the North Anatolian Fault: possible signals for preferred earthquake …
O Dor, C Yildirim, TK Rockwell, Y Ben-Zion, O Emre, M Sisk, TY Duman
Geophysical Journal International 173 (2), 483-504, 2008
Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation
M Oliva, M Žebre, M Guglielmin, PD Hughes, A Çiner, G Vieira, X Bodin, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 397-436, 2018
Late Neogene and active orogenic uplift in the Central Pontides associated with the North Anatolian Fault: Implications for the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau …
C Yildirim, TF Schildgen, H Echtler, D Melnick, MR Strecker
Tectonics 30 (5), 2011
Surface expression of eastern Mediterranean slab dynamics: Neogene topographic and structural evolution of the southwest margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey
TF Schildgen, D Cosentino, A Caruso, R Buchwaldt, C Yıldırım, ...
Tectonics 31 (2), 2012
Quaternary uplift rates of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey: insights from cosmogenic isochron-burial nuclide dating of the Kızılırmak River terraces
A Çiner, U Doğan, C Yıldırım, N Akçar, S Ivy-Ochs, V Alfimov, PW Kubik, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 107, 81-97, 2015
Slip distribution, fault geometry, and fault segmentation of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake rupture, North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
H Kondo, Y Awata, O Emre, A Dogan, S Ozalp, F Tokay, C Yıldırım, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (4), 1234-1249, 2005
Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Antalya, Turkey
C Kacar, E Gilgil, T Tuncer, B Bütün, S Urhan, V Arıkan, Ü Dündar, ...
Clinical rheumatology 24, 212-214, 2005
Differential uplift along the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: inferences from marine terraces
C Yildirim, D Melnick, P Ballato, TF Schildgen, H Echtler, AE Erginal, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 81, 12-28, 2013
Slip history of the 1944 Bolu‐Gerede earthquake rupture along the North Anatolian fault system: Implications for recurrence behavior of multisegment earthquakes
H Kondo, V Özaksoy, C Yıldirim
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B4), 2010
Misleading old age on a young landform? The dilemma of cosmogenic inheritance in surface exposure dating: moraines vs. rock glaciers
A Çiner, MA Sarıkaya, C Yıldırım
Quaternary Geochronology 42, 76-88, 2017
Late Pleistocene piedmont glaciations in the Eastern Mediterranean; insights from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of hummocky moraines in southern Turkey
A Çiner, MA Sarıkaya, C Yıldırım
Quaternary Science Reviews 116, 44-56, 2015
Late Pleistocene intraplate extension of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey: Inferences fromcosmogenic exposure dating of alluvial fan, landslide, and moraine surfaces along …
C Yıldırım, MA Sarıkaya, A Çiner
Tectonics 35, 2016
Cosmogenic 36Cl glacial chronologies of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mount Geyikdağ in the Eastern Mediterranean
MA Sarıkaya, A Çiner, C Yıldırım
Quaternary Geochronology 39, 189-204, 2017
Late Quaternary alluvial fans of Emli Valley in the Ecemiş Fault Zone, south central Turkey: Insights from cosmogenic nuclides
MA Sarıkaya, C Yıldırım, A Çiner
Geomorphology 228, 512-525, 2015
No surface breaking on the Ecemiş Fault, central Turkey, since Late Pleistocene (~ 64.5 ka); new geomorphic and geochronologic data from cosmogenic dating of offset alluvial fans
MA Sarıkaya, C Yıldırım, A Çiner
Tectonophysics 649, 33-46, 2015
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