Charles J Pattie
Charles J Pattie
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Citizenship in Britain: Values, participation and democracy
C Pattie
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Citizenship and civic engagement: Attitudes and behaviour in Britain
C Pattie, P Seyd, P Whiteley
Political studies 51 (3), 443-468, 2003
Putting voters in their place: Geography and elections in Great Britain
R Johnston, C Pattie
Oxford University Press, USA, 2006
Winning the local vote: the effectiveness of constituency campaign spending in Great Britain, 1983–1992
CJ Pattie, RJ Johnston, EA Fieldhouse
American Political Science Review 89 (4), 969-983, 1995
A nation dividing? The electoral map of Great Britain 1979-1987
RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie, JG Allsopp
A nation dividing? The electoral map of Great Britain 1979-1987, 1988
‘People who talk together vote together’: An exploration of contextual effects in Great Britain
C Pattie, R Johnston
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 (1), 41-66, 2000
People, places and regions: exploring the use of multi-level modelling in the analysis of electoral data
K Jones, RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie
British Journal of Political Science 22 (3), 343-380, 1992
From votes to seats: the operation of the UK electoral system since 1945
R Johnston
Manchester University Press, 2001
Class dealignment and the neighbourhood effect: Miller revisited
I MacAllister, RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie, H Tunstall, DFL Dorling, DJ Rossiter
British journal of political science 31 (1), 41-59, 2001
Voter turnout at the British General Election of 1992: Rational choice, social standing or political efficacy?
C Pattie, R Johnston
European Journal of Political Research 33 (2), 263-283, 1998
Tactical voting in Great Britain in 1983 and 1987: an alternative approach
RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie
British Journal of Political Science 21 (1), 95-108, 1991
Split-ticket patterns in mixed-member proportional election systems: Estimates and analyses of their spatial variation at the German federal election, 1998
T Gschwend, R Johnston, C Pattie
British Journal of Political Science 33 (1), 109-127, 2003
Conversation, disagreement and political participation
CJ Pattie, RJ Johnston
Political Behavior 31, 261-285, 2009
The boundary commissions: Redrawing the UK's map of parliamentary constituencies
DJ Rossiter, RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie
Manchester University Press, 1999
The impact of spending on party constituency campaigns at recent British general elections
RJ Johnston, CJ Pattie
Party Politics 1 (2), 261-273, 1995
Context, conversation and conviction: social networks and voting at the 1992 British general election
C Pattie, R Johnston
Political Studies 47 (5), 877-889, 1999
Valence politics in Scotland: Towards an explanation of the 2007 election
R Johns, J Mitchell, D Denver, C Pattie
Political Studies 57 (1), 207-233, 2009
A low turnout landslide: Abstention at the British general election of 1997
C Pattie, R Johnston
Political Studies 49 (2), 286-305, 2001
The electoral impact of the UK 2009 MPs' expenses scandal
C Pattie, R Johnston
Political Studies 60 (4), 730-750, 2012
It's good to talk: Talk, disagreement and tolerance
CJ Pattie, RJ Johnston
British Journal of Political Science 38 (4), 677-698, 2008
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