Aleksandar Kavcic
Aleksandar Kavcic
CEO, ASK Vivid & Math. Inst., Serb. Acad. Sci. and Arts & Adj. Prof., Carnegie Mellon Univ.
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Simulation-based computation of information rates for channels with memory
DM Arnold, HA Loeliger, PO Vontobel, A Kavcic, W Zeng
IEEE Transactions on information theory 52 (8), 3498-3508, 2006
The feasibility of magnetic recording at 10 terabits per square inch on conventional media
R Wood, M Williams, A Kavcic, J Miles
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (2), 917-923, 2009
Binary intersymbol interference channels: Gallager codes, density evolution, and code performance bounds
A Kavcic, X Ma, M Mitzenmacher
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 49 (7), 1636-1652, 2003
Equal-diagonal QR decomposition and its application to precoder design for successive-cancellation detection
JK Zhang, A Kavcic, KM Wong
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (1), 154-172, 2005
The Viterbi algorithm and Markov noise memory
A Kavcic, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on information theory 46 (1), 291-301, 2000
On the capacity of Markov sources over noisy channels
A Kavcic
GLOBECOM'01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Cat. No. 01CH37270 …, 2001
UWB indoor path loss model for residential and commercial buildings
SS Ghassemzadeh, LJ Greenstein, A Kavcic, T Sveinsson, V Tarokh
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Feedback capacity of finite-state machine channels
S Yang, A Kavcic, S Tatikonda
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (3), 799-810, 2005
Iterative timing recovery
JR Barry, A Kavcic, SW LcLaughlin, A Nayak, W Zeng
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 21 (1), 89-102, 2004
A generalization of the Blahut–Arimoto algorithm to finite-state channels
PO Vontobel, A Kavcic, DM Arnold, HA Loeliger
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (5), 1887-1918, 2008
Efficient generation of interleavers for IDMA
I Pupeza, A Kavcic, L Ping
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 4, 1508-1513, 2006
UWB delay profile models for residential and commercial indoor environments
SS Ghassemzadeh, LJ Greenstein, T Sveinsson, A Kavcic, V Tarokh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 54 (4), 1235-1244, 2005
Matrices with banded inverses: Inversion algorithms and factorization of Gauss-Markov processes
A Kavcic, JMF Moura
IEEE transactions on Information Theory 46 (4), 1495-1509, 2000
A belief propagation based power distribution system state estimator
Y Hu, A Kuh, T Yang, A Kavcic
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 6 (3), 36-46, 2011
Soft and hard sequence detection in ISI memory channels
A Kavcic, JMF Moura
US Patent 6,438,180, 2002
A signal-dependent autoregressive channel model
A Kavcic, A Patapoutian
IEEE transactions on magnetics 35 (5), 2316-2318, 1999
Methods and apparatus for improving performance of information coding schemes
N Varnica, A Kavcic, M Fossorier
US Patent App. 10/774,763, 2005
Optimized low-density parity-check codes for partial response channels
N Varnica, A Kavcic
IEEE Communications Letters 7 (4), 168-170, 2003
Low-complexity soft-decoding algorithms for Reed–Solomon codes—Part I: An algebraic soft-in hard-out chase decoder
J Bellorado, A Kavcic
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (3), 945-959, 2010
On the feedback capacity of power-constrained Gaussian noise channels with memory
S Yang, A Kavcic, S Tatikonda
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (3), 929-954, 2007
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