Masahiko Haraguchi
Masahiko Haraguchi
Sonstige Namen原口正彦
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Flood risks and impacts: A case study of Thailand’s floods in 2011 and research questions for supply chain decision making
M Haraguchi, U Lall
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14, 256-272, 2015
Critical infrastructure interdependence in New York City during Hurricane Sandy
M Haraguchi, S Kim
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 7 (2 …, 2016
Stochastic cost-benefit analysis of urban waste-to-energy systems
M Haraguchi, A Siddiqi, V Narayanamurti
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019
Urban waste to energy recovery assessment simulations for developing countries
A Siddiqi, M Haraguchi, V Narayanamurti
World Development 131, 104949, 2020
Human Mobility Data and Analysis for Urban Resilience: A Systematic Review
M Haraguchi, A Nishino, A Kodaka, M Allaire, U Lall, L Kuei-Hsien, ...
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022
Building private sector resilience: Directions after the 2015 Sendai Framework
M Haraguchi, U Lall, K Watanabe
Journal of Disaster Research 11 (3), 535-543, 2016
Conversion strategy builds supply chain resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A typology and research directions
M Haraguchi, T Neise, W She, M Taniguchi
Progress in Disaster Science, 100276, 2023
Analysis of industrial water–energy–labor nexus zones for economic and resource-based impact assessment
SH Lee, M Taniguchi, N Masuhara, RH Mohtar, SH Yoo, M Haraguchi
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 169, 105483, 2021
Assessing governance implications of city digital twin technology: A maturity model approach
M Haraguchi, T Funahashi, F Biljecki
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 204, 123409, 2024
How can a municipal government continue operations during megadisasters? An analysis of preparedness using complex adaptive systems
M Haraguchi
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29 (5), 779-792, 2020
Effect of measles prevalence and vaccination coverage on other disease burden: evidence of measles immune amnesia in 46 African countries
R Sato, M Haraguchi
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 17 (12), 5361-5366, 2021
Human intervention in the Earth’s climate: The governance of geoengineering in 2025+
M Haraguchi, R Liu, J Randhawa, S Salz, S Schäfer, M Sharma, ...
Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), GGF Geoengineering Governance Working …, 2015
Economic vs. epidemiological approaches to measuring the human capital impacts of infectious disease elimination
C Chuard, H Schwandt, AD Becker, M Haraguchi
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Transboundary water-food nexus based on physical-virtual water embedded in food trade network
SH Lee, M Taniguchi, N Masuhara, SH Yoo, YG Oh, M Haraguchi, R Qu
Journal of Hydrology 623, 129819, 2023
Concepts, frameworks, and policy tools for disaster risk management: linking with climate change and sustainable development
M Haraguchi, U Lall
Sustainable Development in Africa: Concepts and Methodological Approaches …, 2019
Estimating return intervals for extreme climate conditions related to winter disasters and livestock mortality in Mongolia
M Haraguchi, N Davi, MP Rao, C Leland, M Watanabe, U Lall
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (8), 2751–2770, 2022
The contribution of urban areas to climate change: New York City case study
L Parshall, M Haraguchi, C Rosenzweig, SA Hammer
UN-Habitat Report on Human Settlements 2011: Cities and Climate Change, 2011
Leveraging global and local data sources for flood hazard assessment and mitigation: An application of machine learning to Manila
M Haraguchi, F Cian, U Lall
Contributing Paper to the 2019 UN Global Assessment on Disaster Risk …, 2019
Discrimination of economic input-output networks using persistent homology
A Schauf, JB Cho, M Haraguchi, JJ Scott
The Santa Fe Institute CSSS Working Paper, 2016
Early warning detection system architecture for COVID-19 via wastewater
RA Dziyauddin, M Haraguchi, N Mohamed, AHA Halim
2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and …, 2020
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