antonio pedotti
antonio pedotti
Emeritus Professor Bioengineering , Politecnico di Milano
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Blood pressure and heart rate variabilities in normotensive and hypertensive human beings.
G Mancia, A Ferrari, L Gregorini, G Parati, G Pomidossi, G Bertinieri, ...
Circulation research 53 (1), 96-104, 1983
Evaluation of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex by 24-hour intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring in humans.
G Parati, M Di Rienzo, G Bertinieri, G Pomidossi, R Casadei, A Groppelli, ...
Hypertension 12 (2), 214-222, 1988
ELITE: a digital dedicated hardware system for movement analysis via real-time TV signal processing
G Ferrigno, A Pedoti
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 32 (11), 943-50, 1985
Evaluation of baroreceptor reflex by blood pressure monitoring in unanesthetized cats
G Bertinieri, M Di Rienzo, A Cavallazzi, AU Ferrari, A Pedotti, G Mancia
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 254 (2 …, 1988
Optimization of muscle-force sequencing in human locomotion
A Pedotti, VV Krishnan, L Stark
Mathematical Biosciences 38 (1-2), 57-76, 1978
A new approach to analysis of the arterial baroreflex.
G Bertinieri, M Di Rienzo, A Cavallazzi, AU Ferrari, A Pedotti, G Mancia
Journal of hypertension. Supplement: official journal of the International …, 1985
Chest wall and lung volume estimation by optical reflectance motion analysis
SJ Cala, CM Kenyon, G Ferrigno, P Carnevali, A Aliverti, A Pedotti, ...
Journal of applied physiology 81 (6), 2680-2689, 1996
Human respiratory muscle actions and control during exercise
A Aliverti, SJ Cala, R Duranti, G Ferrigno, CM Kenyon, A Pedotti, G Scano, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 83 (4), 1256-1269, 1997
Forward and backward axial synergies in man
P Crenna, C Frigo, J Massion, A Pedotti
Experimental Brain Research 65 (3), 538-548, 1987
Continuous vs intermittent blood pressure measurements in estimating 24-hour average blood pressure.
M di Rienzo, G Grassi, A Pedotti, G Mancia
Hypertension 5 (2), 264-269, 1983
Detection of expiratory flow limitation in COPD using the forced oscillation technique
RL Dellacà, P Santus, A Aliverti, N Stevenson, S Centanni, PT Macklem, ...
European Respiratory Journal 23 (2), 232-240, 2004
Space coding by premotor cortex
L Fogassi, V Gallese, G Di Pellegrino, L Fadiga, M Gentilucci, G Luppino, ...
Experimental Brain Research 89, 686-690, 1992
Baroreflex effectiveness index: an additional measure of baroreflex control of heart rate in daily life
M Di Rienzo, G Parati, P Castiglioni, R Tordi, G Mancia, A Pedotti
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2001
Coordination between equilibrium and head-trunk orientation during leg movement: a new strategy build up by training
L Mouchnino, R Aurenty, J Massion, A Pedotti
Journal of neurophysiology 67 (6), 1587-1598, 1992
A general computing method for the analysis of human locomotion
A Cappozzo, T Leo, A Pedotti
Journal of Biomechanics 8 (5), 307-320, 1975
Method for the analysis of posture and interface pressure of car drivers
G Andreoni, GC Santambrogio, M Rabuffetti, A Pedotti
Applied ergonomics 33 (6), 511-522, 2002
Regional chest wall volumes during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A Aliverti, N Stevenson, RL Dellaca, AL Mauro, A Pedotti, PMA Calverley
Thorax 59 (3), 210-216, 2004
The relationship between electrical stimulus and joint torque: A dynamic model
M Ferrarin, A Pedotti
IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering 8 (3), 342-352, 2000
Apparatus for Navigation and for Fusion of Ecographic and Volumetric Images of a Patient Which Uses a Combination of Active and Passive Optical Markers
R Dellaca, A Aliverti, A Pedotti
US Patent App. 11/632,862, 2008
Effects of gender and posture on thoraco-abdominal kinematics during quiet breathing in healthy adults
M Romei, AL Mauro, MG D’angelo, AC Turconi, N Bresolin, A Pedotti, ...
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 172 (3), 184-191, 2010
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