Andy Dahl
Andy Dahl
Assistant Professor, UChicago
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Single-cell RNA-seq reveals cell type–specific molecular and genetic associations to lupus
RK Perez, MG Gordon, M Subramaniam, MC Kim, GC Hartoularos, S Targ, ...
Science 376 (6589), eabf1970, 2022
Ultra-rare variants drive substantial cis-heritability of human gene expression
RD Hernandez, LH Uricchio, K Hartman, C Ye, A Dahl, N Zaitlen
Nature genetics 51, 1349–1355, 2019
Cross-trait assortative mating is widespread and inflates genetic correlation estimates
R Border, G Athanasiadis, A Buil, AJ Schork, N Cai, AI Young, T Werge, ...
Science 378 (6621), 754-761, 2022
A multiple-phenotype imputation method for genetic studies
A Dahl, V Iotchkova, A Baud, Å Johansson, U Gyllensten, N Soranzo, ...
Nature genetics 48 (4), 466-472, 2016
Molecular genetic analysis subdivided by adversity exposure suggests etiologic heterogeneity in major depression
RE Peterson, N Cai, AW Dahl, TB Bigdeli, AC Edwards, BT Webb, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 175 (6), 545-554, 2018
Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes
JK Goodrich, M Singer-Berk, R Son, A Sveden, J Wood, E England, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 3505, 2021
A robust method uncovers significant context-specific heritability in diverse complex traits
A Dahl, K Nguyen, N Cai, MJ Gandal, J Flint, N Zaitlen
The American Journal of Human Genetics 106 (1), 71-91, 2020
On the cross-population generalizability of gene expression prediction models
KL Keys, ACY Mak, MJ White, WL Eckalbar, AW Dahl, J Mefford, ...
PLoS genetics 16 (8), e1008927, 2020
Comprehensive cell type decomposition of circulating cell-free DNA with CelFiE
C Caggiano, B Celona, F Garton, J Mefford, BL Black, R Henderson, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2717, 2021
Reverse GWAS: Using genetics to identify and model phenotypic subtypes
A Dahl, N Cai, A Ko, M Laakso, P Pajukanta, J Flint, N Zaitlen
PLoS genetics 15 (4), e1008009, 2019
On negative heritability and negative estimates of heritability
D Steinsaltz, A Dahl, KW Wachter
Genetics 215 (2), 343-357, 2020
Genomic response to vitamin D supplementation in the setting of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
AJ Berlanga-Taylor, K Plant, A Dahl, E Lau, M Hill, D Sims, A Heger, ...
EBioMedicine 31, 133-142, 2018
Deep learning-based phenotype imputation on population-scale biobank data increases genetic discoveries
U An, A Pazokitoroudi, M Alvarez, L Huang, S Bacanu, AJ Schork, ...
Nature Genetics, 1-8, 2023
Detecting clusters in atom probe data with Gaussian mixture models
J Zelenty, A Dahl, J Hyde, GDW Smith, MP Moody
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (2), 269-278, 2017
Genetic influences on disease subtypes
A Dahl, N Zaitlen
Annual review of genomics and human genetics 21 (1), 413-435, 2020
Adjusting for principal components of molecular phenotypes induces replicating false positives
A Dahl, V Guillemot, J Mefford, H Aschard, N Zaitlen
Genetics 211 (4), 1179-1189, 2019
Phenotype integration improves power and preserves specificity in biobank-based genetic studies of major depressive disorder
A Dahl, M Thompson, U An, M Krebs, V Appadurai, R Border, SA Bacanu, ...
Nature Genetics 55 (12), 2082-2093, 2023
Applying an evolutionary mismatch framework to understand disease susceptibility
AJ Lea, AG Clark, AW Dahl, O Devinsky, AR Garcia, CD Golden, J Kamau, ...
PLoS biology 21 (9), e3002311, 2023
A model and test for coordinated polygenic epistasis in complex traits
B Sheppard, N Rappoport, PR Loh, SJ Sanders, N Zaitlen, A Dahl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e1922305118, 2021
GBAT: a gene-based association test for robust detection of trans-gene regulation
X Liu, JA Mefford, A Dahl, Y He, M Subramaniam, A Battle, AL Price, ...
Genome Biology 21, 1-14, 2020
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